I had an unmedicated birth with my second and I would totally/hope to do it again if we ever end up pregnant with a third in the future.
I never thought I'd say it, but it was AMAZING. Though painful and intense, I could def do it again.
I had an unmedicated birth with my second and I would totally/hope to do it again if we ever end up pregnant with a third in the future.
I never thought I'd say it, but it was AMAZING. Though painful and intense, I could def do it again.
nectarine / 2047 posts
I had a med free birth 11 weeks ago and I think I could totally do it again. It wasn't hard until I got to the pushing stage. That was intense, but it was pretty amazing
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@peaches1038: yep, I had an epidural with DS1 but by morning the epidural machine was causing problems and I think the nurse turned it off or something. I felt allll of 2 hours of pushing so 10 min of unmedicated pushing wtih DS2 was easy!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@mrsjyw: I pushed for 2.5 hours. I hope my second go around is faster!!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I had two and if we ever had a third I would plan on it again. With my first I felt amazing after, such a high. With the second there was no time for an epidural anyway, so I'm glad I was planning on med free. That was so so fast and intense I felt kind of out of control, which I didn't like, but physical recovery both times has been very easy.
So on the slim chance we had a third I would again go in planning for med free but open to it if I need it. I doubt I would have time to decide though- and I doubt we will ever have a third!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@peaches1038: I pushed for maybe 15 minutes with my second. Crazy.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@Foodnerd81: I was hoping to go medfree with ds2 but wasn't against an epi either... We checked in at 1130, he was born at 1:17.
nectarine / 2047 posts
@Foodnerd81: how long did you push with your first? I was exhausted after 2.5 hours, 25 minutes sounds great. Though, I can see what you mean about feeling like you weren't in control!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@mrsjyw: checked in around 10:30, born at 11:18. Second babies really are faster!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@Foodnerd81: I'm so glad I went when the hospital told me to come in... I was planning on waiting at home a lil while longer. It went from talkable contractions to GETTHISBABYOUT REAL QUICK.
nectarine / 2987 posts
For sure! With DS I had a bunch of non pain related meds like magnesium and I had a shot of a narcotic both nights because I was in labor for three days. I don't regret that given the circumstances. But with DD I didn't have anything and it was great.
persimmon / 1322 posts
Yes, absolutely, I plan to when we have a second baby. The only time it even occurred to me that I might not be able to handle labor with no pain meds was when I was still laboring at home, getting ready to go to the hospital. Looking back, I think I was in transition. By the time we got to the hospital, I knew I could handle it. Baby was born 2 hours after we got there.
pomelo / 5093 posts
I am so conflicted on this. I had a fast, not terrible natural waterbirth with my second, and I still absolutely hated it. The really painful part was only about 3 hours, and I am honestly not sure that I could handle it again. It was hellish. Then again, I hated the epidural I had with my first, so I really have no idea. Thankfully I'm all done with children, but it's fun to wonder what I'd choose if we were to have more.
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
I would. It was fine and I have very long labors. You know there's an end in sight, lol.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@peaches1038: I didn't push that long with my first either- maybe 40 minutes? It's a blur. But I had a long early labor, then was in active labor all night, so I feel like she was really really ready by the time I had the urge to push. Second time everything just went way faster.
pomelo / 5678 posts
I labored for 16 hours all natural (17 total) no epi or meds, and got an epi at the last minute (last hour). Hope to have it go that way again! My low dose walking epi took the h e double hockey sticks out of it (back.labor) and gave me a good memory, so I have the opposite experience/ view!
clementine / 756 posts
I'd be pretty conflicted if I was to have birth again. I mean I certainly could do med free again, but I might want to try an epidural. I did fine through all 18 hours of active labor. But 3 hours of pushing was excrutiating. And at that point I had no choice but med free. I survived, but I think it sounded like someone was being murdered. I liked that the med free birth felt very authentic, but being in less pain might let me enjoy things more. So who knows. But I'm probably done anyway!
eggplant / 11716 posts
I'm not having any more bio kids, so I'm definitely hoping I don't do it again, haha
pomegranate / 3350 posts
I'm hoping to at least get nitrous oxide towards the end this time. I don't know, I might get the epidural. Med-free birth hurts!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
For sure! The high afterward is unmatched. I loved it.
kiwi / 603 posts
Yep! Had a pretty easy but intense first time. But just two days after I was saying I can do that again! LO2 is due on about 11 weeks so we'll be going med free again.
pomelo / 5258 posts
After LO1's 51 hour labor I couldn't even get myself to think about LO2s labor. I just knew I couldn't do that again and figured I would get an epidural. I was 10cm when I got to the hospital so that idea was out. It was so much easier. I would keep my mind open if I were to have #3.
pineapple / 12234 posts
I had three medicated births (although I got the epidural at 9cm's so I made it through most of labor!!) and I thought if I possibly had another, I would for sure get the epidural. I'm rethinking it this time only because I felt EVERYTHING while pushing with my third. It wasn't as awful as I was imaging. The ring of fire is so real but I could handle it. So I'm going to try this time to go without...
cherry / 107 posts
If the next one comes just as quick (5.5 hours from water breaking to birth) I could totally do it again. I didn't have any contractions before my water broke.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@HLK208: With both of mine I got an epi at 9cm's too! I felt so conflicted about getting one at that point but was nervous to push without it but now I figure with #3 pushing should go pretty fast, anyways. Okay, so if you're thinking of going med-free, you're required to give birth a few days ahead of me like you did last time and then tell me about how wonderful it all went so that I won't chicken out like I've done the last two times.
kiwi / 506 posts
I had 2 pain med free births (pitocin for both too) pushed for 20 min DS1 and 3 pushes through 3 contractions for DS2. I'm 12 weeks pregnant with my Third and plan to have another pain med free.
I loved being able to shower right away, eat and feel like a human again. I've known too many people who've had lasting issues with getting an epidural that it just freaks me out too much.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@babybysurprise: you just might. DD1 was less than 7 hours from water breaking (no contractions for 2 more hours) to birth. DD2 was less than 4 hours from water breaking/contractions starting immediately to birth.
Well, since my labors keep getting shorter and I've done it twice before, I'm going to assume my third birth experience will also be med free. (Not that I'm pregnant but just projecting!)
persimmon / 1339 posts
I went med free until I was 10cm dilated and pushed for 1.5hrs med free, and then got an epidural and pushed 1.5 more hrs and finally delivered by forceps assist.
I would never do it again! If I get pregnant again I want the epidural as soon as its possible.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
I'd go "natural" again purely for the easier recovery (I only had gas for pain relief).
nectarine / 2591 posts
I did it for #1 and am still a little traumatised but have signed up to do it again with #2.
nectarine / 2994 posts
I've had 2 pain med free births - mainly because I'm not allowed an epidural. I wanted one during labor with lo1 but that's because I was induced and pitocin sucks. Pushing was easy for me though (2 contactions so she was out in less then 3 minutes). Lo2 was all natural, she was easy to push as well and that labor was only 4 hours. Had such an easy recovery both times.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
I've done it twice so for potential no. 3 I'd do it too - circumstances permitting.
persimmon / 1345 posts
Things progressed too fast for LO2 and I had a med free birth which also happened to be a VBAC. The only thing for my birth plan was an epidural as fast as possible
I'm torn. I know it's best without one but the pain was too intense and I still have nightmares about it. I even had a short labor too
grapefruit / 4361 posts
God no. With my first, an epidural was 100% my plan, but at 5 cm I wasn't allowed due to low platelets. I was allowed.3 doses of narcotics between 5-8 cm and that was the best part of labor before birth. All in all, LO1 was 25 hours of horrible back to back contractions and back labor and moaning and crying and yelling "why does it hurt so much"..... the 1st 24 hours afterwards, I was basically in shock and wondering how the hell anyone has a 2nd child. Now I'm fully on board with #2, but I'm banking on platelet treatment , epidural, a faster 2nd labor, and Bradley method classes just in case.
nectarine / 2436 posts
My son came so fast I had no time for an epidural or an ibuprofen for that matter. I did actually request an epi because from 6-8 cm the pain was unbearable.
I would 100% do it again unmedicated but only if the labor was as fast which I'm hoping #2 will be! I had no complications and my son nurses like a pro
pomelo / 5720 posts
I had two pain med free births (1 with Pitocin), both by choice. I would definitely do it again if we ever decided to have a third.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
We're done having kids, but I would definitely do med-free again!! It was a wonderful experience (albeit painful) and I don't regret it at all.
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