It seems really common in the northeast to "red shirt" boys who have close-to-cutoff birthdays. In other words, have them do another year of pre-school or pre-K rather than starting school at age 5, even if they meet the cut off date. Many states in New England have 9/1 cut off dates, so boys who have summer birthdays often don't start preschool until age 6.

T will be going to K the year he turns 5, though. He has a May birthday and the cut off for our state isn't until 10/15. So, he'll be sort of middle of the pack. And he's historically done really well in the school setting, is a rule follower, socially does well (it's at HOME that he's trouble!) It will be nice to not have child care costs starting at age 5! R will be nearly 6 when he starts K, because he has a December birthday.

Will you be red-shirting? Why or why not?