Hellobee Boards


If you're struggling with infertility/miscarriage/loss, do you feel at home on Hellobee?

  1. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @MrsCastro: The thread moves rather quickly; I don't know if you saw the responses you got? And several posters have been asking about you this past week, hoping things went well. Feeling like you don't fit in is not a good feeling and I don't want it to be like that for you.

  2. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    I know that for me I was tentative to join at first because it did seem like a place that was primarily for moms. But once the Infertility support thread was created I felt like I had a place to belong. And it has provided me with so much comfort and support during my infertility journey. Sometimes it's the only thread I visit.

    I don't think that this site can be everything to everyone, but I think you all have done a great job of having bloggers that speak about infertility. I do remember when you had the TTC bloggers and that was really great too. But I know it can be hard to keep posting regularly while going through this rollercoaster ride.

  3. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MrsCastro: I'm so sorry to hear that you feel like the IF thread is "cliquey". Everyone on there does their best to welcome every new poster. As @spaniellove aid, it moves fast sometimes. Hugs to you. The in-between is a hard place. We're here for you!

  4. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    Personally, I feel like this is a very supportive site with a lot of very encouraging and thoughtful women & men on it. However, the very nature of this site (that it has a little something for everyone from waiting to TTC through raising older children) means that women dealing with IF (or who aren't TTC yet) won't necessarily be able to feel "included" at all levels. I think that's ok though. In fact, it's sort of a relief. Other IF boards/communities out there can be REALLY intense and it's easy for me to get bogged down in feeling depressed and hopeless reading there. It's nice that I can come here instead and talking about IF if I feel like it, but also read about light hearted things or see pictures of kids of couples who have been through this all before.

  5. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    @mrbee - I think a general infertility and then maybe a medical interventions section.

  6. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    I do feel like the IF board has been extremely supportive and made me feel like I am at home here! However, both IRL and here I feel "alone" when faced with so many people who do have kids. To me, I don't feel HB makes me feel "alone," it is my IF that makes me feel alone. I do like to read non-IF threads and learn more about pregnancy and becoming a mom, in hopes that I will someday get to use that knowledge! But sometimes I do just have to go straight to our IF thread and avoid other threads and feeling the heartache of not being a parent yet.

    I loved having TTC bloggers, guest blogs on IF topics and the Blogger bees posts on IF and adoption!!! I agree that having more guest blogs on IF would be nice. Some of us have even discussed it in the past. I am hoping @spaniellove does write one, and maybe I will attempt to prepare one for submission. Do any of you have other suggestions on topics to cover? I would love to see a series of blog posts for IF Awareness week.

  7. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @katiew92081: 1 in 14? I had no idea. How is it possible that no one knows those statistics?? I guess hush-hush is a good way to not scare already anxious moms and future moms, but still... that is a startling number.

    I'm again so sorry for your loss, and I'm so glad Hellobee could serve as an outlet for you. I know that I speak for many when I say that I was heartbroken for you and cried and cried for you and your angel baby that day.

  8. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    I think the new IF board is a great idea. The IF thread on the TTC board was so long and complicated with so many stories. It makes more sense that people can have separate posts for their separate questions, thoughts and experiences. Thanks Mr. Bee!

  9. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @MrsCastro: I am so sorry that you didn't feel at home on the IF thread, I hope you will come back and give us another try. I would love to "be there" for you, just as these other ladies have helped me. I agree with the other comments that the thread is getting long and that adds to it not feeling as welcoming. We discussed starting a new thread and I have some ideas on how to help with that now that we have our own IF board! Your feedback is very valuable to me, I am guilty of reading posts on my phone and thinking I'll come back and type out a response at my computer, and sometimes fail to do that. Hope to see you around the IF threads again (but not for long since I am hoping you have your sticky baby soon!)

  10. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @mrs. wagon: Yes...i was surprised, too! When I lost her, I thought I had won the world's worst lottery. But, I have heard from women, some I've known all my life, that they had been through this, too. I just never knew. But, it's not something you come out with on a regular daily conversation. Even now, when strangers ask how many kids I have, I just say one 5 year old son, cause it's WAY easier than saying, "one 5 year old son and one dead daughter." So, I think it's just easier, emotionally, to just not talk about it.

    I personally know another loss mother, so I would compare my feelings and experiences with her. She's happy to talk about it to me, and say "yeah, I felt that way, too." So, I'm thinking that writing it out and posting on here, or wherever, could lead to another loss mother out there, looking for her feelings to be validated, to find what I'm saying and say, "oh good, that's how I feel, too...I'm not weird." It's why I'm happy for this outlet.

    Thank you for your kind words.

  11. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    I also want to add, that it's a little hard to answer post questions sometimes, without being a Debbie Downer. So, I'm not posting as often. But, that's not a site issue, it's just a normal social issue, I think. I mean, who wants to be the one at the party with the sad story? But, I chime in when I can.

  12. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    Yay for a new IF Board!

    I just posted some ideas to hopefully help make our IF stories easier to follow, easier to find info about a certain topic, and hopefully more inviting. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas too!


  13. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    << I just joined this month and I was a little sad to see that you used to have TTC bloggers, but no longer do. >>

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: When we had a number of TTC bloggers, we found that most stopped updating after a while. We learned that not everyone is eager to chronicle their journey with infertility... and definitely want to to respect that.

    So in search of an alternative path, we now welcome (and solicit!) guest blogs about TTC and infertility... and many of our bloggers have also shared their own IF journeys.

    We will continue to work to share more IF stories and perspectives on the blog and boards! If you have any ideas for us on how to achieve that, we'd definitely love to hear them!!

  14. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts


    I do feel a bit out of place sometimes after our m/c and not being pregnant yet. Even though we started trying last spring I don't feel like I fit into the IF group as I was pregnant and dealing with the loss for part of the last year. I feel like I was able to get pregnant and thus shouldn't join the IF group or wouldn't be welcomed there(or wouldn't have anything helpful to add to the conversation). Probably my issue not HBs.

    I also feel bad posting under the miscarriage portion of the boards because I don't want to relate all of our current TtC to that.

    I do enjoy the people here and the Friends I have made/am making but I do feel out of place here sometimes.

  15. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @MrsH: Please don't feel like you wouldn't be welcomed. There are different kinds of IF and if you are having trouble TTC then of course you are welcome. Some of us have had losses too. It hurts being told it should be no problem getting pregnant again and then having it just not happen.

  16. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @mrbee: Totally understandable!

  17. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    I am somewhat active on the IF support thread. By somewhat active, I mean that when we are actively TTC (like going through an IUI cycle or having some test done) I post a lot. Right now we are taking a break so I am not posting as much. I usually just go staright to that thread or read the blog and then go to that thread. I have a really hard time with the people who are disappointed that they didn't get a BFP after 1 month. I even stay away from the POS thread. I do feel welcome here, but I really can't read everything.

    I would love to see a blogger who has gone through IVF to get their BFP. If that's not possible then a guest blog about IVF would be great. I feel like this isn't really talked about anywhere except for the IF and IVF support and with the IVF support thread, it's really not that active. I am in the beginning stages of starting to look into IVF clinics and decide when to start our first IVF cycle, so I would really love to see more about IVF on here.

  18. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    I think in general this site is very welcoming and inclusive. I have really appreciated having the IF thread when I needed support. But of course it doesn't feel great when people post about how they got pregnant on the first try. Or when someone says people with REs are lucky to get such early and often monitoring in pregnancy. When you haven't been struggling the way we have, you say things that come out insensitive because you just have no frame of reference.

    @MrsCastro: I agree with @bluestriped bee:, that thread is just such a behemoth it's really hard to keep up with. Everyone's posting different updates and asking questions and there's like 4 conversations going on at any one time. I'm sure any of us that are active on that thread would be happy to answer if we can. Maybe you can bump it or start a new thread and we can try to help out?

  19. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

  20. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    you got a lot of great feedback comments on here - but I'll just say when I first joined HB i was TTC, and it took us about 7 or 8 months, I think I was on this community for 4 or 5 of those months... I always selected the TTC filter to just get pertinent boards and I thought that was great. After I was pregnant I stopped filtering and read all of the boards - so that was a good solution for me!

  21. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @mrbee: Thank you, MrBee, for creating a new separate IF board!!

  22. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    I can say that I too feel out of place and in HB limbo. With 13 failed cycles & not really knowing what's going on with our fertility I feel like I don't belong in the IF threads & I fee out of place in the TWW because we've been trying for so long. Our situation is unique with DH having chronic pain, this is our main problem with infertility, is his ability to preform. I have found one other bee to talk with about this and that has been nice. Outside of that I feel very alone on HB I still try my best to fit in with others & comment on random post in other areas. I do feel that HB's focus is on pregnancy, parenting, & ttc. One of the reasons why I'm backing off HB for a while.

  23. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: Just wanted to reach out to you and say that my DH has medical issues and which makes him have difficulties in performing. I think there are other IFers who have this problem, too. Hugs! You're not alone.

    Oh, I'm on 12 BFN cycles. (Two unsuccessful IUIs & 2 cancelled IUIs(one for performance reasons.) That doesn't include months where he couldn't perform and missed my fertile period. I feel like I missed out on those possible cycles. My cycle number would be defintely higher if we didn't have those issues. I think if I counted those cycles where he couldn't perform, I would be at least on cycle 15 or more.

  24. savanarunner

    cherry / 141 posts

    @MrsCastro I'm in HB limbo with you and I know the feeling. The TWW threads have just become depressing so I've had to step away. Currently I mostly lurk and then comment here and there.

  25. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    Anyone can contact me if they have IVF questions. We had low morphology and I always spotted before AF. We did 3 Clomid IUI cycles and one IVF. We also had a chemical pregnancy on a natural cycle. It took us 20 months total.

    There are quite a few former IVFers on HB.

  26. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    When I originally signed up for HB I never used it really, but when we started TTC I joined in on I think my second cycle. At the time there really wasn't anything out there on the blog about IF that I saw and there weren't really any boards either. We continued trying and eventually two boards started focusing on it taking forever (one that is now our IF board). I didn't join at first because I hadn't been trying long enough, but once I did, it was a Godsend. Now that I'm pregnant, I'm trying to promote IF support from the other side and I've really enjoyed finally wanting to read the pregnant threads. I think Mrs. Polish's blogs lately have been great to read and I'm glad that IF has finally become a bigger issue here, as so many of us deal with it. I hope it continues to evolve as it has since I started here. I think HB is definitely moving in the right direction.

    And I think I'd write a blog post about my infertility story for submittal.

  27. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @spaniellove: thanks it just feels like a pretty tight group and its only been 6 cycles since we started trying again so I'm just not sure at what point I should label myself as IF. My ob said since we got pregnant once that we'd have to try again for well over a year before they would think of us as IF.

  28. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Through a decent part of our IF struggle, Hellobee was interesting and helpful. There weren't many people on here who were dealing with what I was, but I still appreciated the DIY and craft posts, and reading blogger/s journeys.
    That being said, when the TTC bloggers were 'discontinued', I did end up leaving for a little bit, only because there was a lot less for me to identify with.

    Now that the Hellobee community is so much bigger, things may be different. (Also, now that I'm pregnant, you can't tear me away from the boards).


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