LO2 is 11 months old and it feels like jsut about every week we say it's the week to sleep train. We've tried endlessly but LO has a really high tolerance for crying it seems! (Is stubborn?) I know intellectually that if I go in to nurse after an hour, or even two, that he will learn that that is how long it takes to get me to come in to nurse, but...ugh.

We used Ferber with LO1 and it was so textbook. I think the most he cried was the first night and it was definitely under an hour. LO2 can cry all night it seems.

Anyone else feel like they had a baby who couldn't be sleep trained? A typical night he will wake up 3 + times and it just feels beyond what is normal for an eleven month old....

Also this just sucks. Sorry to be ranting and raving and if this isn't very linear but blerg. I need chocolate or cheese or both.