Background: DD1 was born basically on her due date and was 9 lbs 3 oz, 21 inches (did not have gestational diabetes). Labor started on it's own and was about 8 hours start to finish. Delivered vaginally and had 3rd degree tears. That was 3 years ago.
I have my 38 week check-up tomorrow. Last week I was 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced (Dr was happy with this progress). Dr has said previously that she would like me to have DS2 in week 39 bc 2nd babies and boys tend to bigger... Neither of us want a 10 lb baby She said last week if I continue to progress well, I could pick -
Wait for LO2 to show up on his own OR pick a date for induction next week (week of 9/7). If we wait, and he doesn't show up by due date (9/14), we will induce shortly after.
Thoughts? DH and I are talking ourselves in circles and can't come to a decision. Hoping HB can chime in!
Pros for induction: planned, would know what to do with DD1, would have better plan for work
Cons for induction: pitocin contractions sound bad, worried about other interventions (c-section), would breast feeding be affected?
Waiting pros - let my body do it's thing, would be a surprise
Waiting cons - if we go past due date I have to be induced anyways, more time at work