Hellobee Boards


Inducing or waiting? WWYD?

  • poll: Should we induce or let LO come on his own?
    Induce in week 39! : (21 votes)
    24 %
    Wait until due date and hope labor starts! : (65 votes)
    76 %
  1. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    Had my 38w check up this morning... head is further down but no other progress. I'll go back next Wednesday to see if anything has progressed and then we'll talk induction. At that point I'll be 39w3d and she said we'd do a membrane sweep if things look favorable. I'm leaning towards an induction date after my due date at this point since I feel great and am not in that miserable stage yet.

    Thanks again to everyone for chiming in!!!

  2. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    I had a kind of similar situation...
    Lo#1 was 9#7oz and ended in c section because he was OP.
    With #2, I wanted a vbac so my Dr decided to induce me at 40+2 weeks to hopefully avoid another cs... I went into labor on my own at 40+1 and I went in at 40+2 and he broke my water. Baby was 9#8oz....

  3. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    I would wait until my due date if I were you but I would be open to induction after that.

    I wish I had asked for an induction when I was in 5 days of miserable "false labor" with LO. She was eventually born at 41 weeks but I had a C section since she was in distress and I developed an infection. There was meconium when my water broke - I think she was not enjoying the days and days of contractions anymore than me. So, I will not be scared of induction next time (even though some say to not induce when you want to VBAC).


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