I haven't gotten to do a name post. We were asked yesterday if we were planning to change the name of our foster baby, assuming the adoption goes through. We have avoided talking about this mostly, because it just seems like jumping way ahead of ourselves, but this was our adoptions worker asking so of course now I can't stop thinking about it. I don't like her current name, but I'm also feeling conflicted about whether a name change is really ethical. We may keep it the same. She'll be 15-18 months by the time of adoption, but we could start using a new name, in private, basically anytime. Definitely after June, assuming nothing changes.

So...she has bright red hair. O is Olivia, which I love but wouldn't have picked because it's so popular. But I do love the name. Last name starts with C and has an S, so anything with too many "S" sounds is out. Her current name starts with N, and in a way maybe it would be nice to keep that, but I can't really think of any N names I like!

Give me some of your favorites!