Soooooo I'm going to be real honest here. M and I registered for 3 classes at the hospital. Birthing, Breastfeeding and Infant Care. Neither of us is a big fan of the instructor. It's hard to explain, it's very cheesy and pedestrian and almost bad stand up with too much dare I say potty humor. I don't want to sound like a brat, I feel like we learned a few things, but these classes have not been my learning style. We have already skipped one class and going to miss another one tonight. And goodness knows I am not an expert but we do know how to swaddle, change a diaper, etc. that said... Matt and I both already read The Birth Partner. I got a breastfeeding companion care guide. That leaves a book on infant care, do you have any recommendations? Bonus points if I can get it on Amazon prime since baby girl will be here in 2 weeks.