First off I want to say that I don’t really expect things from my parents or my DH’s parents. It’s their money that they worked all their lives to get, they can do whatever they want with it.

That being said, I find it funny how drastically different parents decided to divide their wealth.

So my parents are going to give everything to my older brother. They feel I’m being taken care of by my husband and I don’t need their money but my brother will probably need help since he’s not doing as well as us. They just want to make sure he has something to fall back on and he’s taken care of.

My DH’s parents right now are going to try to split everything evenly as possible. At one point they wanted to leave us more because they feel we will use the resources better, and has actually said that to us but we sort of pulled for the other siblings and said no… we would rather have everything be fair.

DH’s parents reasoning which might not be wrong was that they felt the other sons would waste the money on silly things, like expensive stuff that they don’t need so it would be kind of a waste. I’m not sure if my BILs would do that … hopefully by the time this happens they would have matured a great deal.

I actually think splitting it evenly is the best idea. Fair’s fair.

I talked to some people and a lot of them actually agree with my parents, of course the struggling child should get more!! That’s what parents are for, is to help their kids, and if one is struggling of course you give that kid more. It might be unfair but that’s what you do.

What do you think is the best way to divide your wealth?