My 3yo (will be 4 in August) has always been very strong willed and had a very intense personality, but his tantrums/general miserableness have been a lot worse recently and I am not sure if it's normal or not. I may talk to his ped, but I'd like to get other opinions as well. (long thread coming)
Every morning he wakes extremely early, he is obviously still tired, often wakes up screaming, having a tantrum, miserable from the first moment. Regardless of bedtime. Usually won't nap. To me, he acts like he's tired. Mornings are a nightmare every day.
Poor eating: he eats so little and is very picky. Sometimes I think his tantrums are triggered because he's hungry. But I can't force him to eat.
He gets very upset about certain things (normal strong willed 3yo things -i.e. daddy fixed his cereal and he wanted mommy to fix it) but tantrums last FOREVER - 20-40 minutes. When he's like this, I can't talk or reason with him, he's totally out of control/acts out of his mind. Will throw things, etc. Sometimes triggered by hunger but he won't eat when he gets like this. If I put him in his room, I am afraid he will break the door/pull down his closet doors, he's that out of control. When he's having these tantrums, I don't know how to handle him. I try to just ignore, but sometimes he needs something to snap out of it.
He is FINE at school/daycare (they don't believe me when I tell him he acts like this at home because he is perfect there!). But he hates school and if I say he has to go, he cries for a while every morning. After school, when he comes home, it's constant tantrums/crying till bedtime
Generally, it seems like he's miserable like 90% of the time at home - it's always something he's crying or melting down about. He is better when we're doing something out of the house, a distraction seems to help. But, we have to be home sometimes!
He had surgery about 2.5 weeks ago to remove his adenoids, some of his behavior has gotten somewhat worse since then, but his surgeon says it's not a surgical/physical issue. Maybe anxiety after surgery? He is a very anxious/cautious child - will not try new things tends to be fearful. I.e. refuses to swim or jump in a bounce house or other things most 3.5yos like.
He's extremely attached to his comfort blanket and pacifier (I only let him have the paci at night, but he won't go to sleep without it). He cries every morning when I will not let him keep it during the day.
He's very smart and very verbal - advanced for his age.
Sometimes he seems fine!
TV - he does watch usually 2 TV episodes during the day (1 in the morning and 1 after school), but this does seem to trigger a lot of meltdowns, so maybe I need to cut out TV, but I don't think TV is the cause.
EXAMPLE - THIS MORNING: It's 7:15. He woke up about 5:45 crying for mommy. (btw, if my husband gets him in the morning, he goes ballistic) I go into his room and he's whining and crying already, rubbing his eyes, clearly still tired. He eventually asks me to carry him downstairs (usually what I do). We watch 1 episode of a show, he drinks milk and eats a nutrigrain bar. I turn off the show about 6:30. From 6:30 until now (7:15) he has been continually whining and crying. The last 20 minutes have been because daddy made his cereal and not me. He has literally been miserable and crying since he woke up.
I guess I am just wondering, should I take him to see a child psychologist or a counselor or something? Or is this all within the realm of normal since he's not acting out at school?
I am literally at the end of my rope and I'm so depressed. I dread the weekends and time at home with him because I am miserable and he is miserable. I cry a lot.