Hellobee Boards


Introduce Yourself!

  1. loveandrenovations

    apple seed / 1 posts

    I'm Amanda, Mrs. Cardigan from Weddingbee, and I don't have babies yet (and probably won't have any for several years) but I'm fascinated with reading about pregnancy/babies and I'm so incredibly excited to see this site actually happening!

  2. Mrs. Schoolbus

    blogger / apricot / 349 posts

    Hi, I'm Sally. TTC for baby #1-- I have high hopes for this site too!

  3. fetching.life

    pea / 11 posts

    Hi I'm Kate (aka. Mrs. Cloud/ aka. The Fetching Life) I'm a first time mama-to-be, 27 weeks along now with our little guy. I'm so excited to see this site up and running, and not just because it is perfect timing for me ha!

  4. mc

    apple seed / 2 posts

    Hi, I'm May. I've been an avid follower of Mrs. Bee since her Xanga days to Weddingbee and now to Hellobee! I'm excited to see/read from the wonderful community that Mrs. Bee seems to create. TTC for baby #1 soon and will need all the help & support I can get!

  5. mommykim

    olive / 70 posts

    Hi, I'm Jenn and daughter of very active 22 month old. I'm currently pregnant with #2 and looking forward to it! I loved Weddingbee and am so far enjoying this website so far!

  6. mrslily

    pea / 10 posts

    hi, im lily, mom of 3, 47 months, 26 months and 11 months my trio keeps me on my toes while im working full time and daddy works almost 7 days a week.

  7. archivedbee

    grape / 86 posts

    Hi, I'm Vivian and have a 7 month old son, Christian. Thinking about baby #2 ... maybe in 2012 , we'll see ;p

  8. Wondermommy

    cherry / 230 posts

    Hi! I'm Liz, aka Wonderwoman217 from WB! I'm a SAHM to two rambunctious boys, ages 11 and 3! Loving Hellobee so far!

  9. MamaDreams

    coffee bean / 30 posts

    I love seeing all of the familiar WB names on here! Hi everyone! I am currently TTC after a miscarriage. I miscarried a few months ago at 10 weeks (which was VERY hard for me) and now we are TTC again!

  10. EAC18

    pea / 23 posts

    Hi, I'm Erica aka Mrs. Hermit Crab over at WB. We are in the pre stages now, but thinking about it all the time!

  11. meaganceleste

    apricot / 302 posts

    Hi! I'm Meagan and I'm currently TTC. We've been "not preventing" for about 6 months, but we're just starting to chart and actually TRY to conceive.

  12. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    Hi, I'm Ashley - doggie mama to two, and sort-of-TTC. We've been "playing baby roulette" since last February with no luck. If we don't get pregnant in the next few months we will begin "trying-trying" in February 2012.

  13. theotherstark

    pomegranate / 3045 posts

    Hello! I'm Galen/ Candy Apple on Weddingbee. Not a mommy or TTC just yet, but I'm starting to get my feet wet with all of this info! So excited to see this site live! Although this definitely won't help my baby fever...

  14. BabyBunny

    olive / 52 posts

    I'm Lisa/Mrs. Bunny from Weddingbee. We've been officially TTC since January 2011 and dealing with (my) infertility since about 6-7 months before that. Currently on our third round of Clomid.

  15. TheFixIts

    cherry / 168 posts

    Hi! I'm Amanda/Mrs. Seashell. We're officially TTC in October!

  16. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    So great to see so many familiar faces! I'm Erin a/k/a Winniewolf a/k/a Erindesmar from Weddingbee.

    We just got pregnant with #1 after an early miscarriage back in May. Hoping this one sticks! I'm also a very proud auntie to 2 baby girls.

  17. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    Hi! I'm Jennifer/Jennimac/Miss Bonnie Blue from Weddingbee. I was dreaming about a site like this and I was hoping and crossing my fingers that it would come to fruition.

    We are officially TTC! This is our first month to see what happens. We were married in January 2011.

  18. elouise

    coffee bean / 34 posts

    Hi all! I'm Liz aka Mrs. Beagle from Weddingbee. I'm only a mom to furbabies (no humans yet) and we aren't going to be TTC for at least another year, but I'm learning as much as I can before then! I am so excited for this new site

  19. buttertrifle

    pea / 21 posts

    Hi! I'm Nancy and mother of 16 month old twin girls.

  20. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    Hi! I'm Christina, AKA Miss Ladyfingers on Weddingbee, and I'm not even married yet, but it's never too early for sharing/gathering information/preparing/and getting inspired! This site is beautiful and I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!

  21. LazyLightning

    pear / 1664 posts

    Hi! I'm "nodakademic," a.k.a. Mrs. Mary Jane from weddingbee. I've been married 2 years and am finishing up a doctorate at the moment. I'm hoping to be TTC within the next year, depending on how the Mr. feels (he's working on his doctorate too). For now, I'll be observing and learning all I can!

  22. Jody216

    pea / 7 posts

    Hello! I'm Jody (aka Deviled Egg from WB) and we have been TTC for over two years. I am currently doing Follistim injects so we can have another go at an IUI.

  23. halffullglasses

    apple seed / 2 posts

    Hello! So nice to see everyone. I am Kristin aka Glasses on Weddingbee. We are not TTC at the moment but thinking very carefully about it and well, one can never be too prepared!

  24. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    Hi everyone!

    I'm Aly aka Mrs. Jaguar & we're currently battling a few IF milestones to TTC #1. Have been on the bandwagon since December & have first RE appt in October.

  25. nesting123

    pea / 7 posts

    Hi, I'm Melissa a.k.a. Mrs. Starfish. We're starting to talk now about when we can realistically start ttc.

  26. wifefromscratch

    coffee bean / 30 posts

    I'm Abby aka Mrs. French Fries and we're currently 17 weeks pregnant! I'm so excited for the new site!

  27. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    Hi! I'm Jill, married on 10/16/10 and on month 4 of TTC #1. Very excited to find this site!!

  28. momentspassslow

    olive / 55 posts

    Hi All! So excited to be here!! I'm Colleen C - aka momentspassslow - previously known (or maybe not so much known) as humarockbride on Weddingbee ... Im sitting here looking at my 5 week old baby boy and couldn't be happier.

  29. Artsy Butterfly

    coffee bean / 41 posts

    Hi All! Sarah here, Aka Mrs. Locket and the Artsy Butterfly. Just about to turn 27 and 20 weeks pregnant with baby #1--very eager to find out the sex of the baby this Friday, just in time for our 1 year anniversary! This site couldn't have come at a better time!

  30. Michellemgd

    apple seed / 2 posts

    I'm Michelle from California. My husband and I have been TTC since March 2009. We've had 4 unsuccessful IUI's and have taken a bit of a break to get our heads back to normal. Infertility is stressful. We are working on enjoying what we have and waiting to jump back into the TTC swimming pool with better results soon.

  31. Chillybear

    pomegranate / 3032 posts

    Hi, I'm Stephanie and I'm married just over a year. If all goes according to plan we'll be TTC this time next year. I have some health concerns and will have to carefully plan my pregnancies with the help of a OB and Derm. we're excited and nervous about taking this next step.

  32. HabesBabe

    grapefruit / 4400 posts

    hello all! my name is annie and hubs & I have been married for 2 1/2 years (march '09). kinda-sorta TTC, but not getting all hardcore about it yet. been off BC since january of this year and we're going to on vacation this week as a babymakingmoon? lol. i was hoping to lose some weight before we got pregnant, but that doesn't seem to be happening...

  33. BeeingMissStar

    apple seed / 1 posts

    Hey, all! I'm Kate AKA Mrs. Star from Weddingbee. We've been married for two years and are still at LEAST three or four years away from being financially/emotionally ready to start TTC, but my body doesn't know that and I've been super obsessed with babies and pregnancy for some time! So for now, I'm just living vicariously through all of you and love reading about your experiences so we can be evern more prepared

  34. Madbrave

    pea / 10 posts

    Hi! I'm Tess. I was an avid reader of the WeddingBee shortly after my marriage. Big wedding fan. Now being married for 3 years I really (and feeling the pressure from everyone) want a baby. Having a hard time physically and emotionally. I got checked once and glad to know I'm still producing eggs however ovulation is too long due to my weight. But I've lost 20lbs and probably a little hope. Hopefully I can learn and gain more hope. Love the site. It's soo cute!

  35. hshuang

    pea / 5 posts

    Hiyas! I'm Holly, AKA Mrs. Tartlet from Weddingbee. The hubs and I are completely undecided on when to start TTC, so I'm really looking forward to all this [beautiful] site has to offer. Cheers!

  36. Crisark

    pomegranate / 3398 posts

    Hi all!! I'm Cristin, AKA Crisark on Weddingbee as well....
    I'm 29years old. Mother of an 8yo and 4yo little girls.
    I'm living in WV now born in FL but raised in OH.
    Our wedding is in a month and a half and I am very excited!!!

  37. dillpicklepicnic

    apple seed / 2 posts

    Hi! I'm Cece (aka Pickle Picnic/aka ggsb on Weddingbee). We aren't sure when/if babies are in our future but I love reading baby stories and knowing what the "cool" gifts are as my friends welcome home their new little ones.

  38. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Hello! I'm Rachel (aka High Wire on Weddingbee). Getting married in 3 days and then hopefully hopping on the baby train shortly after that! So happy to see this site launching While we aren't quite trying for a baby yet, I am obsessed with learning as much as possible about other people's experiences. So here I am!

  39. Rubies

    hostess / eggplant / 11068 posts

    Hi, I'm Peggy! I'm 30 years old and am the tired but happy mommy to a 7 week old baby girl named Ruth. I'm really excited for helloobee! The hubs and I won't be TTC for #2 for a couple of years (at least!)...Baby R is keeping us busy enough!

  40. sugar snap bee

    pea / 14 posts

    Hi! I'm Sugar Snap Bee aka Bakerella on WB if you ever venture over. I'm a step mom to a busy 5 year old boy who we have every other weekend. Being a step parent is a tough job, but I do my best! DH and I aren't TTC just yet. Our house isn't as baby friendly as we'd like it to be, so we're trying to find a piece of land to build a new house on and after we're in there, we'll start having some kids of our own hopefully!

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