pea / 5 posts
Hi everyone!
I don't really feel comfortable giving my real name (no offense) but my husband and I are expecting our first in early March.
pea / 22 posts
Hi! I'm Maple and my husband and I am just getting ready to start TTC.
pea / 16 posts
Hello! I'm Kerri, working mom who battled PCOS to meet 4.5 year old dramatic Caroline and 20 month old kick ball obsessesed Connor.
pea / 20 posts
Oops I missed this! Hello I'm Kasia, aka Mrs Sea Breeze, mom of son "Tooshie" (no, not his real name, I'm not thaaaat cruel) who is 16 months. Thinking about Number Two but not sure what to think.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
Hello! I'm Alice aka alivoo01 from WeddingBee! The hubby and I thought about TTC beginning of next year, but 4 of our friends are getting married next year and have asked us to be in the bridal party. So we're holding off on TTC maybe towards the end of 2012 or beginning of 2013 (to possibly take advantage of my work schedule and work from home the first few months after birth). I'm super excited about this site and all the posts are giving me baby fever. Bad!
pea / 7 posts
Hi! The mister and I've been TTC for 4 years now. We've been diagnosed with unexplained infertility. Our next course of treatment is Folistim and IUI. This site is super adorable and I can't wait to put these wonderful tips to use!
persimmon / 1135 posts
Hi everyone! I'm Meg, a 32 year old American living in England with my British hubby. I'm 17 weeks pregnant with our first baby!
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
Hi all, I am Carmela, a 36 year old mom of a 9.5 month old son. We live in Switzerland for now.
coffee bean / 28 posts
hi everyone. Long-time WeddingBee reader here so it's been fun reading the updates on so many of the bees! I'm Katie, and I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant with my first. The timing of this site couldn't have been better for me so thank you Bee and Mr. Bee! I already love it!
apple seed / 3 posts
hello! i'm shannon (henrysmama), 29 year old working mom of a 13 month old son, henry. pining for baby #2...
pomelo / 5628 posts
I am so excited about this site! I've been on weddingbee for a couple of years, but it feels funny to go to a wedding site to talk about babies.
I'm 31, DH is 42 and we have been TTC for 14 months.
Cycle 13 was our first BFP, but it was a chemical pregnancy.
We've done some initial testing, but no known issues yet.
apricot / 495 posts
Hi! I'm really excited for Hellobee! I was a member of WeddingBee but left shortly after my wedding. I'm excited to be part of this site! I don't really want to out my actually name or my weddingbee name because I don't like to make connections between sites! Happy to be here though!
cherry / 161 posts
Hi! I'm Katie, and am currently expecting my second son, due 11/5/11. I am a SAHM to my adorable, although rambunctious, 22 month old son, Indiana. Although I didn't have a difficult TTC journey, I've had two complicated pregnancies, both dealing with pre-eclympsia and pre-term labor.
I am soooooo excited that hellobee is here; I love weddingbee, and cannot wait to continue sharing parenthood with such a supportive community!
pomegranate / 3759 posts
Hi everyone! I'm Lindsay aka Lindsay05 on WB. First off thanks for the invite Kansas I'm so happy there is a site dedicated to parenting! I am currently 5 weeks with our first and feeling fabulous!
pea / 18 posts
Hello, all! Bru here -- we're in our first month TTC, currently enduring the 2WW. Fingers crossed!
coconut / 8681 posts
Hi everyone!! I'm Danielle, my husband and I have been TTC since our wedding in June. We got out BFP in month 1 but unfortunately miscarried at 7 weeks. We're now on cycle 2 TTC after being cleared and feeling optimistic
pea / 15 posts
Hey all! My name is Ali and DH and I spent 5 long months waiting for our BFP and just got it last Sunday, so we're really new to this and I'm SO grateful for this new site, I can't wait to get to know all of you!
bananas / 9357 posts
Hi everyone! I'm Katie and waiting to TTC after a miscarriage last month. Doc said I have to wait 2 cycles to try again. I'm really excited about this site. I loved reading Weddingbee when I was planning my wedding.
cherry / 166 posts
Hello! I'm Terri and I used to be on Weddingbee all the time until a combination of wedding burn out and work/school commitments took over my life. I have been stalking the baby boards on the Bee but I'm very happy to have found this new site! We started NTNP around August of last year but ran into some medical issue in January. Got that taken care of and officially ttc since June 2011.
pea / 7 posts
Hi everyone! I'm Eun Joo and I'm 24 years old. DH and I suffered a miscarriage in May 2011 and are slowly working up the courage to begin actively TTC again. Everyone around me is pregnant (which can be heartbreaking sometimes) but I am looking forward to becoming an auntie several times over and love the lists and stories on hellobee!
persimmon / 1472 posts
Hi all! I'm Elisa and am 24 weeks pregnant with a girl. I'm 29 and got married last September. We are super excited to meet our little lady and have been scouring the web for a fun blog/board. Yay for HelloBee!!!
pea / 23 posts
I'm Amber, formerly Mrs. Kiwi on WB. I have a 22 month old (Piper turns 2 on Thanksgiving this year). We're waffling about when to TTC our second and final kid. The hubby wants an August baby but we need to figure out the childcare sitch- Piper spent the first 17 months of her life in my office, but we moved offices and there is no room for little babies.
olive / 52 posts
Hi, I'm Kylie (I was December on Weddingbee but I left quite a while ago), and I'm mommy to 22-month old Chicken Nugget (her spy name). We're waiting to start our third month of TTC for number 2, hoping to get pregnant soon so the baby will before before the fall 2012 semester begins for my grad school husband.
nectarine / 2797 posts
Hi, I'm Steph. 28, married 1.5 years, TTC #1. This is our first month of trying. I loved reading Weddingbee but never got into the boards, so I'm trying to jump in here! Would be great to have a preggo community here.
cherry / 144 posts
hello! i'm julie, aka mrs. bop from wb, and have an 18 month old daughter :]
persimmon / 1194 posts
Hi everyone Hubby and I have been married for 1.5 years and TTC since May of this year. WB was instrumental in helping us plan our wedding, so i am estatic that hellobee now exists to aid us in our new journey.
cherry / 207 posts
Hi! I'm Michelle, mom to 28 month old Melody and currently 30 weeks pregnant with twin girls
cherry / 201 posts
Hi there, I'm Marissa, aka jackie-o on WB!!! Due to my mother having a terminal illness that is dominant, my husband and I are conceiving through PGD / IVF. Our PGD test is being setup and we'll begin IVF after the new year. I am looking forward to being part of this community and learning more about everyone's journeys.
pomelo / 5820 posts
Hi, guys! I'm Pepper (keeping my real name quiet for now!). I'm 26 and TTC number 1 after an early miscarriage in May. We are on cycle 5.
apple seed / 2 posts
Hi. My name is Amanda. We are pregnant with our first little one. My first OB appointment is next Monday. We are very excited!
pear / 1554 posts
Hi, I'm Aya. My husband and I are currently living in Tokyo and I'm 28 weeks with our second baby.
cherry / 128 posts
Hi, I'm Berta. I have a 2 year old boy and live in Taipei, Taiwan. I was a member of Weddingbee way back when, but nothing like having a little one to leave you with very little time to spend on online pleasures!
cherry / 159 posts
Hi, i'm Heather, i'm 26 from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and a mom to a 3 month old baby boy named Jovani.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
Hi, I'm Tana. I'm 23 and I live in Houston, Texas. My husband and I have been married for a year and a half now. We are currently ttc our first.
persimmon / 1341 posts
Hi! I go by eeh on here. Don't really want to throw my real name out there cuz you never know who's reading and we haven't told anyone we're TTC. Trying to keep it hush, hush for now. I lurked on WB but am trying to come out of my lurking shell!
coffee bean / 31 posts
Hi! I'm Katie and in our 6th month of TTC. Got married in 2007, so now that we're trying I'm eager for our family to become 3! I was a big Weddingbee fan, so I'm excited about this site.
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