Just want to say hello and introduce myself..
My husband and I just found out we are expecting yesterday. I am in a bit of a need for some normalcy /cultural familiarity at the moment but since we just found out the big news and aren't telling anyone yet, I figure I can start here?

Some context about our situation: we live in rural east Africa where we do development work. We moved here permanently a few months ago after getting married back in the States. This pregnancy is a total surprise and I am still in shock.

I have a good network of friends here, but not anyone who can relate on this particular issue. I feel weird and horribly isolated after finding out this news. Everything was very on track, our project finally taking off, rent paid for a year on our house, etc...
I am excited half the time, terrified the other half. In the past that has been a feeling I thrive off of. This time the terrifying is a bit different, lonely.
TL;DR: I'm a hot mess. Whats up everyone?