Hi Ladies,

I had a D&C last Friday (baby measured about 9 weeks, I was supposed to be 10 weeks). I opted for a D&C knowing the risks because I have two kids at home and a husband who works long hours with a long commute. It was the best choice for us, but my bleeding has been, well, inconsistent.

The day of the D&C and the day after I had moderate bleeding, the next three days, essentially nothing. Then starting on Thursday (so, 6 days out from D&C, also the day after a very long Disneyland day with my daughter), I started bleeding rather heavily and have been for a few days.

I contacted the OB today and spoke to a nurse. They want me to come in first thing Monday morning, and I guess I don't know what to expect.

Any thoughts on what is going on here? What would be the next steps? I want to know the full spectrum of possibilities so that I can prepare myself and arrange childcare.

Thanks in advance for sharing. Lots of love.