Being first time parents we are definitely just so cautious about everything. I get scared every time she cries if it can't be solved by a clean diaper, food or if we can't get her to sleep. I'm just a worrier!!!

I thought she had a diaper rash but the redness has gone down and she has finally gone down for a nap since being awake since 9:30am. She's napped in my arms for short periods but I don't consider those "good" naps. Every time I try to put her down she cries. I think the culprit today was her diaper is too small. I changed her into a size 1 and it's the first time she's gone down in her bassinet all day.

I love this part. But I also can't wait to get to that magical point where she won't be as "fragile" if that makes any sense.
Where we feel a little bit more self assured in our parenting.

Anyone else feel/felt the same way?