I'm so frustrated. And to be quite honest, I'm a blubbering mess right now.

I work from home doing a few different things. Mostly working for our church's children's ministry. I am in charge of supplies so I have to run errands and go into church about once a week (or every other week if I work ahead) and do a whole lot of administration and organization stuff from home.

Needless to say, I have been READY for DS's (2 years old) preschool program to start for over a month now! I signed him up for a MDO on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am-2pm. He started last Wednesday (finally) and it went mostly ok. They said he cried all during lunch and wouldn't eat and he didn't nap, but otherwise was happy and fine. I was ok with this because I knew there would be a transition for a few weeks.

Today they called me at 10:20 and said he had been crying/screaming since about 10 minutes after I left and asked if I could come pick him up. Of course I feel horrible for both him AND them that he'd been upset for over an hour, but if I come and pick him up after he cries for an hour, won't he learn that he will get "rescued"? But, I went ahead anyway and picked him up. Now, I'm even MORE stressed than before because I have so much backed-up work to do from not having childcare all summer and now I have him with me all day today too! And I don't see an end in sight (after looking forward to preschool starting for so long).

Needless to say, I'm very stressed out about this whole thing. Not to mention another month's tuition is due on Wednesday. How can I commit to paying another $200 when he's only "been there" 2 days and got sent home after just an hour on the second day?

I'm planning on talking to the Director and explaining that in order to keep him in the program we will need commitment that they will be patient with him despite crying and screaming so that he will get used to it. And also asking for an extension on tuition for a couple of weeks because I just don't think it's fair for us to have to pay another $200 when his first "month" ended up just being less than 1.5 days.

I'm just not ok with how it has played out so far and I'd just like to know, do other preschool/dayschool programs send the kids home if they've been crying for an hour? This seems counter-productive to me as a mom and as a previous preschool teacher.