My LO takes after her mommy. I'm very shy, and I'm afraid I've passed that on to my baby girl. Also, I'm a SAHM so she's not socialized as much as a lot of other babies, even though I do try to let lots of people hold her whenever I can because I want her to like other people. Whenever anybody sees a baby, naturally they tend to want to come over and oooh and ahhhh over them. Well my LO does NOT like that. She screams 95% of the time.

Even when we see my in laws once a week, she still screams at them when they say hello to her. She'll usually warm up to them pretty quickly, but there's always that initial cry.

I feel like she's extra sensitive and fragile, but my husband keeps telling me that it's normal because she's a baby. Does anyone else have a baby that does that?