Over the past week, LO has been taking a lot of naps during the day, some of them over 2 hours. I follow his sleepy cues and put him down and it looks like this:
8AM - wake up from about a 3-hour nighttime stretch
9:30AM - nap for 1 hr
12:00PM - nap for 1-2 hrs
3:30PM - nap for 2-3 hrs
8:30PM - Bed. He will sleep for 4-5 hours and then get up every 2-3 hours after that
Don't get me wrong, the napping during the day seems great, but is there such a thing as too much napping? I feel like he's gone from being up almost all day to sleeping almost all day and it doesn't seem right. I wish all this daytime napping would equate to longer stretches at night!