I've heard of an 18 month sleep regression but I've never heard of a 2 year sleep regression. But my toddler has been driving me crazy for the past 10 days. She goes to sleep and wakes up around 10:30 or 2:30 every night and cries for mommy and daddy for at least 30 minutes. I hear every excuse in the book, change diaper, no sleep in crib, sleep with mommy, milk, scary, and lots of crying.
If we go in, it really makes the problem harder on us because we can rock her to sleep but she sleeps poorly until she's absolutely positive we aren't going to leave her (2 hours). So we've been letting her cry for 30 minutes before she gives up and goes back to sleep. Which is fine. But she's been waking up at 5:30 to boot!
OMG for the love of all that is good, how do I make this stop?!