We have books on the art shelf in the living room, which are any seasonal books that I rotate often. The girls also have 8 picture ledges in their playroom and a cube shelf with one cube full of books. LO1 has a bookshelf that has one full shelf of books and LO2 has a basket full of books in her room.

I don't think you can ever have too many books, but since they are going to be getting a few more books for Christmas I'm wondering if I should go through and get rid of some that don't get as much love. I actually just donated 75+ this past summer! 85% of them are bought used, some are gifted and lately some I have bought through the Scholastic Book Club, can't beat good deals on new books!

So I would say we have several hundred kids books, board books as well as paperback books. No doubles! Would you go through and get rid of some more, or are you in the "you can never have too many books", camp? How many books would you say your LO has?