So LO has been switching up her naps recently. She's been sleeping later in the morning then not going down until 12:15/12:30 and getting back up anywhere from 2 to 2:45. She does have about one day a week though where she takes a nap at 10 and then another around 3.

This is making it hard to plan her party time but I need to decide soon so I can get the invitations and start printing them. I was originally going to go with 3-5pm but is that long enough? Should I make it 2:30-5pm? It's at DH's grandparents house so some people will already be there when it starts and some will probably stay a bit over anyway. LO will start to get cranky after 5 though so we'll need to leave around 5:30/5:45 at the latest since she gets dinner at 6/6:15.