We don't know the sex of our baby yet but I still like to think about names. For a middle name I'd like to honor either my grandpa or great-grandma who both passed within the last year. They have very old school Russian names so I've been trying to come up with some version or derivative of their names for both boy and girl names.
Last night the name Anastasia came to me as a derivative of my grandpa's name and I immediately LOVED it! I think it's sophisticated and meaningful and I like that it represents my Russian side since our baby will have my husband's Italian last name.
At first DH said he liked it but then he turned around and told me it was a stripper name. WHAT?! I have no idea where he got that, (maybe some random stripper he saw once?) but I totally don't think it's in the same league as the "typical" stripper names.
What do you think?