DH and I have been arguing like cat and dog today - which we always do whenever I try to get some cleaning done.

Now, first, I do need to confess that I have a bit of a cleaning problem. Its not a germ phobia but it is a compulsion, anxiety related. I cannot relax if things are out of place. I've been working really, really hard to manage it (I've been having talking therapy) and I'm doing well - but the compulsion is always there underneath and, when I'm stressed, it surfaces.

Anyway, onto today. The house was FILTHY this morning and I'm not exaggerating - I haven't been able to clean the family bathroom since S was born 8 weeks ago, save for a swish round with the loo brush. The stairs hadn't been hoovered for the same length of time. You get the picture, right? I told DH that I needed time today to blitz the house. He answered that I need to get E (almost 3) to help me, instead of asking him to take her out of my way, because she likes "helping mummy". And she does like it..... but it is definitely more of a hindrance! It took me two hours to clean one room, with her help, and I had a whole house to clean - so I expressed my irritation to DH. Basically, he said my expectations are way off and I need to accept that we wont have a perfect house with two kids. Now I fully accept that it wont be perfect and I work really hard to control my urges (I used to hoover every morning before breakfast!) but is it unreasonable to want to clean it properly once a week (I pick up every evening after E is in bed but never have time for proper cleaning after I've cleaned the kitchen after dinner and tidied downstairs)?

I'm gonna vent now......

........ my hubby is an amazing guy. He works very hard to our family. He works two jobs, he does his fair share of laundry, cooks most meals and dotes on his kids. He doesn't go out with his friends or play video games - he is all work and family. (he's wearing the baby now as we speak) But, oh my god, he always has something he needs to do that involves a drill and me dealing with the kids! Today, while I cleaned, he put up a new outside light and then decided we needed to move E's room around. That took all afternoon, as he unbotlted her furniture from the wall, moved it about and re-attached it. Gah! The toilet is revolting, man, why is this a priority????? Rant over.

So, yeah, is my expectation way off? To clean the house properly once a week, given that I keep on top of laundry and tidying daily? Do other people clean less frequently?