The past week dd's sleep has sucked. Friday night we had a good night, but Saturday she would only sleep if I was holding her. She's had a little cold, so I thought that was it. She was a bit fussy yesterday, but we didn't have any probs until sleeping last night. Every time we laid her down, she woke up. Had to have her paci or her thumb in her mouth and was just crying. Not fussy, upset crying. She finally slept on her tummy on her daddy all night.

I can feel a definite bump under her gum--the left tooth. I don't see anything and her gums don't look that red or swollen. I thought it could be an earache, but she nurses fine and lays down on it all right. The sucking and bump make me think it is teething.

How long until this darn tooth makes and appearance and is there anything I can do to make her feel better? She is 4 months old.