I'm just wondering how normal this is - like if it's just standard for the age or if something is unsettling E.....
She will be four in two weeks and her threenager mood swings seem to be getting worse not better. She is constantly "hurting" herself and crying - just brushing her arm will cause a "you hurted me" meltdown. She is forever asking to do things at inopportune times, for example painting just before we leave the house or getting the paddling pool out at bedtime, and then screaming /stamping /slamming doors when we say not right now. Everything you try to do with her is dismissed as "boring" or "poop" and I must hear "I'm not your friend" screamed at me twenty times a day. She wants to do everything "all by my own" (stamping and screaming when you try to help) but then melts down when she can't manage it first time. Sometimes she will start fake crying for no reason and work herself up into a frenzy until she is actually sobbing but doesn't know why. She has always been a challenging child but over the last few weeks she has been getting worse and worse - everything is a problem, everything causes her to lose her shit.
Is this standard for the age or do I need to take this kid to the doctor?