Hellobee Boards


It didn't stick.

  1. bienlivingdesign

    apricot / 275 posts

    So sorry I had a shot of Methotrexate & my body absorbed the pregnancy, so I can't offer any advice about the D&C. Again, my heart goes out to you.

  2. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a D&C because they were worried about a possible molar pregnancy, so they wanted to be sure all the tissue was removed and they sent it off to pathology to have it tested. (No molar pregnancy btw). The surgery wasn't bad at all. I spotted the first couple of days and then the bleeding got pretty heavy. It took 10 days for the bleeding to stop. They prescribed me vicodin for the pain, but I never needed it. It's a personal choice. I hope all the best for you which ever you choose.

  3. cupcakemama

    persimmon / 1465 posts

    I am so sorry for your loss.

  4. Ms.Bucky

    coffee bean / 30 posts

    So sorry

  5. Mrs. Schoolbus

    blogger / apricot / 349 posts

    thanks everyone. it's really lovely to have everyone's support. i love this community @mrs.bee!! update: i started spotting at work... lightly. if it goes the same way as my first miscarriage, then the tissues should pass tonight or tomorrow. i'm not as far along as the first time(12 wks) so maybe it won't be as painful. the first one wasn't that painful either. i was just about to schedule a d&c after everyone's comments but hopefully i won't need one after all. Thank you again for all your comments and sharing your experiences. i am so thankful for y'all! it's nice to know that we're all kind of in this together.

  6. carrieknitscake

    apricot / 307 posts

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

  7. katdevargas

    kiwi / 718 posts

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

  8. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    @mssally, so sorry for your loss...

  9. laurel

    pea / 20 posts

    I'm sorry for your loss.


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