A few weeks ago I posted this regarding the pain I was having after my IUD was inserted-
Well, I went back for my followup yesterday and they couldn't find the strings so they scheduled me for an u/s today. The tech said she could see it, but it looked misplaced so she went to get my midwife and have her look at it.
Turns out that the IUD is behind my uterus just floating around back there. The only way it could have gotten there was if it perforated my uterus, I assume, which makes me so angry because my midwife just acted like she didn't know how that could have happened.
So now I have surgery next Friday to have it removed. I made it 32 years without any surgeries and my only hospital stay was when I had LO. And I know it is going to be crazy expensive, which will really sting with me staying at home right now. I really hope everything goes okay and that there isn't any damage. I just don't really know what to think. I was really shocked to get this news. I guess I am just glad they caught it.
So that pretty much ruined my day