Last night my husband and I experienced our very first trigger shot experience! {They need to add "chug a glass of wine before your no-experience-with-anything-medical-at-all husband stabs you with a needle" as step one BTW}
I have gone back and forth a million times about whether or not I should start testing with Wondflos until they go negative or just to wait until my next cycle is due/if it comes late and start testing from there... I'm not normally an early tester, or I really TRY not to test, because I learned that for me seeing a negative test hurts more than seeing my period so I try to avoid them- if I can hold on to the willpower that month of course. But I'm TERRIFIED about seeing a positive and it just being leftover from the trigger shot!! I've never had a positive pregnancy test before and so I'm also worried it would be heartbreaking to watch them go from positive to negative... and not see it then become positive again for real.
Does anyone have a recommendation of what they did/do, or what they wish they would have done?? I am trying to protect my heart as much as I can in this process and I am afraid both options scare me right now.
I read about the half-life of Ovidrel and I made myself an outline of when it SHOULD be out of my system but I also read on another post that it was still coming up positive 3 days after they tried that!
I could really use any and all advice here. I'm feeling overwhelmed! {and terrified and trying to stay hopeful while not getting my hopes up and trying not to lose my shit on everyone and trying not to cry every 30 minutes and... haha} Thank you SO MUCH in advance!