Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
What's up this month:
For Fun: Any new year resolutions?
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
What's up this month:
For Fun: Any new year resolutions?
pomegranate / 3212 posts
Cycle Day: 2
TTC Cycle: 3
Ovulation Date: January 5th-ish
POAS Date: January 18th-ish
Baby #: 3
What's up this month: Had an early loss in November and then an unsuccessful the month after that. Eager to get a sticky baby.
For Fun: New Year's resolution? Be more patient, with my kids, and in general. Spend less.
nectarine / 2813 posts
Cycle Day: CD 20? I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks that started on Dec 7 and my hCG wasn't at 0 until 7 or 8 days after so not sure.
TTC Cycle: 3. Ectopic first month (October) and miscarriage second month (Dec)
Ovulation Date: I may have just ovulated based on CM but my opks were weird so who knows!
POAS Date: Jan 21
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: trying to relax about TTC but it's hard after 2 losses!
For Fun: Any new year resolutions? Lose the 15 pounds I've gained in the past few months. Yuck
grapefruit / 4770 posts
Cycle Day: 22
TTC Cycle: Been trying off and on for number two since March '16
Ovulation Date: Christmas!
POAS Date: 1/3/17
Baby #: 2!
What's up this month: I did day 3 testing this month, which all came back normal, and I have a follow up apt with a new midwife this week since I moved. Hoping to start clomid next cycle. I have a short luteal phase, and low progesterone. For this cycle, I bought some natural progesterone cream to feel like I'm at least doing something as today is 1DPO.
For Fun: Any new year resolutions? Less stress! Read more! Cook more, and not eat out as much! The usual fare.
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@mrskansas: OMG I feel like the TTC and miscarriage months have caused me to put on so much weight! like ten pounds in a month it feels like!! I haven't weighed myself but yeesh. I'm also going to to try to not emotionally eat!
nectarine / 2813 posts
@knittylady: yes I haven't weighed myself because I've been too afraid haha! But I really need to work on the emotional eating as well. Hopefully we both get this month so at least we can blame the weight gain on a sticky baby!
pear / 1677 posts
Cycle Day: 60 (that is not a typo)
TTC Cycle: 2
Ovulation Date: 12/23/16
POAS Date: 1/6/17
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: Curious to see if anything will show up when I POAS. This is a long cycle so I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't show anything in 2 weeks.
For Fun: Any new year resolutions? Have a baby? Other than that, be more positive at work (certain co-workers driving me nuts), read more, lose the weight I gained immediately after coming off BC.
nectarine / 2358 posts
Cycle Day: CD 1 will be on/around Jan 3rd
TTC Cycle: 1
Ovulation Date: TBD but around the 19/20?
POAS Date: January 31st and likely going in to Feb
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: This will be our first month kind of trying, I am not going to go all crazy like with our first one. I had to take Clomid for my first because I didn't O on my own, but since then I've lost about 100lbs! And now I do! I'm a late ovulator (that is now a word) so my cycles are long, but at least I have them!
For Fun: Any new year resolutions? To continue to lose weight and be healthy!
pear / 1553 posts
Cycle Day: 19
TTC Cycle: 20
Ovulation Date: 12/19ish
POAS Date: 1/5
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: This is our final month of trying before I go on Clomid. RE said we should try for four cycles after my HSG to see if that stimulated ovulation. Although looking at my charts he was nearly certain I was ovulating - we didn't test for it - and he didn't do a great job at explaining why an HSG or Clomid would help me out if I'm already ovulating (if you know, please comment). The other thing that's up is my skin changed overnight around 4 DPO. I know this is too early for implantation but I find it super strange that my normally super smooth skin (I rarely got pimples even as a teen) is suddenly bumpy and a few zits are popping up. Not trying to get my hopes up, of course, and I'm going to make every effort to wait until my period is officially late to test.
For Fun: Any new year resolutions? Get pregnant! Also, start weight training. We also have some home improvements we've been putting off - so I want to refinish our wood stairs, do some drywall fixes and stud out and drywall the basement. And YES I want to help do all of these things with my husband and my father. I especially like the idea of being pregnant and working with power tools. My friend who just had a baby called it "extreme nesting."
nectarine / 2180 posts
Cycle Day: 8
TTC Cycle: 5 but off bc since March
Ovulation Date: 1/2 or 1/3 I think, but this is a medicated cycle so it's up to my doctor when I trigger
POAS Date:1/16 or 1/17
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: This was my first letrozole cycle last month's Clomid cycle was a bfn. I also have a hysteroscope and all the monitoring that comes with an RE. Continuing with metformin, synthroid, Coq10, vitamin d and a prenatal.
For Fun: Any new year resolutions? To take time for myself and practice self care
grapefruit / 4089 posts
So excited (and terrified) to be joining in for the first time!
Cycle Day: 19
TTC Cycle: 1
Ovulation Date: Christmas day-ish! I am not tracking too seriously just yet.
POAS Date: 1/8/17 AF is due... not sure if I'll make it that far without POAS
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: Nothing crazy. This is our first month trying for our first baby, so we are easing our way in. I loosely tracked my CM, I've been taking prenatals for a few months and we officially ditched all birth control for the first time ever. We will see what happens!
For Fun: Any new year resolutions? Nope! I don't love the resolution thing. I'm just wishing health and happiness to those around me and hoping 2017 is a great year for us.
pear / 1548 posts
Cycle Day: CD9
TTC Cycle: 8
Ovulation Date: 1/1 hopefully
POAS Date: 1/14
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: I've been lurking the POAS boards this time for #2 because I got obsessive when trying for LO1 and it wasn't great for my mental health. LO1 took 17 cycles before we conceived so I'm already expecting it to take us a while again. I feel different trying this time because I do already have my son, and I do feel very lucky that we have him. I have shortish cycles and a borderline LP so we'll see what TTC in 2017 has in store for us!
For Fun: Any new year resolutions? Getting my health back in check and just trying to be more appreciative of all that I have!
coconut / 8079 posts
Cycle Day: 17
TTC Cycle: 5
Ovulation Date: 12/21
POAS Date: 1/5 (AF is due that day so I'd like to hold out as long as possible!)
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: Just hoping our timing was good enough.
For Fun: Any new year resolutions? Eat more veggies & exercise more.
pear / 1614 posts
Yay January! I'm another post-loss mama and planning to POAS in January but not up for officially joining and don't have any idea when I will O. So I'll cheer you ladies on
@Mrs.Panda: 100 lbs! You're awesome!
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@shellio: I hate that we're back on a poas thread again, but.... nice to see you? Sort of? Oof.
@jhd: I'm hoping starting the thread will be good to me like it was for @banana330!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@knittylady: there's often thread starters luck I'"" cheer along everyone!
pear / 1677 posts
Yeah, trying not to symptom spot but of course that's what I'm doing.
Last night when I took off my bra after a long day of work and errands (around 11pm), my nipples were immediately sore. This never happened while I was on birth control. But it happened last cycle where it lasted for 2 weeks and my husband was convinced I was pregnant because I'd howl every time he'd try to touch them. Then AF showed up at the end of my THREE week wait.
So I'm trying not to associate my sore nipples with anything now. TRYING!
nectarine / 2813 posts
@madisonbee: Sore nipples are actually common after ovulation so if you O'd recently that could be it!
pear / 1677 posts
@mrskansas: Well, I suppose! Thanks! Never experienced it while I was on BC. I did have a blaring positive OPK last Thursday 12/22, so that make sense. I wonder if in the previous cycle I O'd later than I thought (I think I had a pretty positive OPK early in the cycle) and we may have missed the opportunity to conceive.
I'm a nurse and the human body (especially mine!) still baffles me.
pear / 1553 posts
You guys I'm going crazy... I can't remember how to create a new thread. I want to get feedback on acne as a precursor to BFP but I cannot for the life of me find the button to create a new post!!!
nectarine / 2813 posts
So I think I've officially lost my mind. Last night I had a dream that I was swimming in really warm water in a small channel between a bunch of houses. I woke up and immediately thought "I must be pregnant!". I don't even know if I ovulated but if I did it was probably 12/25 so I'm like 2 DPO... lol.
grapefruit / 4089 posts
@mrskansas: Haha! I think I ovulated around the same day and I'm already wondering when I can start symptom spotting...
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@mrskansas: confession: I've looked up 2dpo tests on countdown to pregnancy. I mean, that's not even something.
nectarine / 2813 posts
@Synchronicity: @knittylady: I'm glad I'm not the only one that's going to go crazy! So glad I have you girls to obsess with so I don't drive my husband nuts
coconut / 8079 posts
@madisonbee: I woke up this am and my boobs are killing me, especially the left one! So weird. And I have never had this as a symptom before either. And then I opened this thread and you had already posted about the same thing. FX it means something.
apricot / 444 posts
Cycle Day: 14
TTC Cycle: 1
Ovulation Date: Dec. 28-29??
POAS Date: Jan. 13
Baby # 1
First month trying! According to my fertility app, I would have ovulated on the 31st (day 18- normally have 31 day cycles). Woke up to sore breasts today so I took an OPK (first time). It looks positive? I was not expecting that until later in the week...(pretending like I have any control :wink:). I guess I'll keep testing and BD every day. This is all so new to me!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
Cycle Day: 21
TTC Cycle: 6
Ovulation Date: maybe Dec 26?
POAS Date: Jan 8
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: I'm having a confusing cycle. I should have ovulated Dec 20th but I don't think I got a positive OPK until yesterday. I felt pretty crampy yesterday, so think I ovulated then, but the opks have been hoovering close to positive for awhile and my temps have been weird so not 100% sure. My cycle has always been super regular, so I'm new to this. I have an intake appt Jan 4th to hopefully get CD3 and CD21 testing next cycle.
For Fun: Any new year resolutions? Good question, this made me think about it... Gonna go with 1) say no more, 2) don't let perfect ruin good, 3) don't hesitate to ask for help and advice when appropriate. Really I just want a baby but think I'm already doing everything I can on that front.
nectarine / 2813 posts
@annem1990: That's what my positive OPKs look like! Definitely BD today and the next few days to be sure
nectarine / 2813 posts
If I did in fact ovulate on Christmas, I'm going to POAS Jan 9 (my mom's birthday!). Hopefully it brings me luck for my rainbow baby!
grapefruit / 4089 posts
Fingers crossed for all of us this month!
Jan 13 - ANNEM1990
Jan 14 - BOOPERS
Jan 31 - MRS.PANDA
Hopefully I've got everyone so far!
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