Hellobee Boards


January POAS - New Year, New Babies!

  1. Litebrite

    cherry / 174 posts

    Anybody else feel like they're analyzing market trends when they're trying to make sense of their chart?
    I keep comparing the subtle changes I'm seeing to previous months. Just something to pass the time, I guess.

  2. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Litebrite: haha yeah that's a good comparison. That's part of the reason I didn't chart this month, I spent too much time staring at it. Every temp drop was implantation, every rise was leading to something promising. I can't decide what I'll do next month, if I should chart again or not.

  3. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @Litebrite: yes!! And also the opposite--when I look at a stock chart I can't help but look for a "temp shift" or a triphasic pattern.

  4. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    officially out this month. Maybe I should pay for a year of fertility friend. I've done that twice and gotten a bfp that month and then wasted 11 months of the app. Good luck to everyone else this month! Anxiously awaiting the first BFP!

  5. Litebrite

    cherry / 174 posts

    @MrsB2012: I'm sorry try the FF subscription. Does the trick work if you buy it on sale, or do you have to pay full price?

  6. Litebrite

    cherry / 174 posts

    @marley: Lol. "On Wall Street today, Google is having an anovulatory cycle, Apple experienced what may be an implantation dip followed by a strong rise, and it looks like Bank of America is about to get its period"

  7. FLnative12

    olive / 57 posts

    Thank you for the well wishes earlier this week

    I could not hold out until Friday to test. POAS this morning and

    aaaaaand...BOOM, here comes the 1st Tri anxiety

    Nothing but sticky baby vibes over here. Hopefully this starts a 'market trend' for this group!

  8. Litebrite

    cherry / 174 posts

    @FLnative12: Yayyyy! Congratulations!!! I wish you all the best, and a very very H&H pregnancy. Do you know how many dpo you were?

  9. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @Litebrite: lol!!
    @FLnative12: congrats!!!!!

  10. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @Litebrite: I'm crying 😂😂😂😂

    @FLnative12: Yay!!! Congrats!!!

    I caved this morning. BFN. Oh well. That's what I get.

  11. Litebrite

    cherry / 174 posts

    @artsyfartsy: Lol, I tested last night. Stark white. I told myself it was "just for fun" but yea, it wasn't very fun after all.

  12. Mrs. D

    pear / 1852 posts

    FLNATIVE12 (congrats!)

    16- BABYPUGS
    23- JLM22
    27- MRS. D
    31- WINNIE13

    Cheerleaders: WHERES_C, PWNSTAR

  13. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @Litebrite: Hahaha I told myself that too. What could it hurt?

    My emotions

  14. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    @FLnative12: congrats!!!!!

  15. FLnative12

    olive / 57 posts

    Thanks guys!

    @litebrite - 12 DPO by my calculations

    I did a 'just for fun' test on Monday that was BFN, so hang in there!

  16. babypugs

    persimmon / 1101 posts

    @FLnative12: Congratulations!!!! So exciting!
    @artsyfartsy: @Litebrite: Ugh, me too. BFN at 11 DPO. What do you guys think...still hope?

  17. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @babypugs: I'm still holding out hope for all of us!

  18. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Litebrite: hahahaha so funny. And also, the FF has worked on sale

    @FLnative12: finalllllllllly a BFP! We need our first stick pic too, so you need to post yours haha. COngrats Momma

    @babypugs: still hope

  19. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    @FLnative12: Wohoo!! Congratulations!! Let's start a trend

    So yay... I'm 3DPO! FINALLY. CD 30 over here, so I ovulated on CD27. I have three hearts (for the Kindara people) in there, and feeling really good. I feel like despite the length, I had a very healthy cycle, and I attribute that to being on the Whole 30 right now. I am trying not to put as much pressure on this month, as much as I want this (both my husband and I) this is my third cycle since our CP, and I don't want to fall into the spiralled stress and anxiety over the TWW.

    So, I'm going to do my best to hold out on testing until next Friday or Saturday. There is also a good chance I'll cave on Thursday though, but I don't want to wish away the days until then

    I moved my pregnancy tests out of the bathroom so I'm less tempted to test.

  20. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @MrsB2012: I was just thread stalking, and saw your FF comment. FYI, you can put an account on hold, which is what I did when I got pregnant with dd. I'm thinking about reactivating it now.
    @combatlibby: can you please poas already?

  21. jlm22

    apricot / 343 posts

    @Litebrite: lol re: market watch!

    @MrsB2012: I'm sorry

    @FLnative12: yahoo! congrats!

  22. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @LAZB: reallllllly? I didn't know that! That's annoying! Are you thinking of reactivating it to start TTC again? We were in the same due date board last time

  23. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @MrsB2012: Yes! I actually just started my first real period today (although I had spotting last month), so I was thinking about reactivating. I only had a 3-4 day luteal phase this month (I was taking opks since I spotted last month), so it looks like my cycle is going to be similar to how it was after my son. I plan on weaning dd in about a month, so after that is when I hope to really make it happen! My doctor said she will give me Clomid after ttc for three cycles (it took clomid for me to get pregnant with both ds and dd).

  24. jlm22

    apricot / 343 posts

    @LAZB: yay! I am very excited to read this, haha

  25. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @jlm22: Now I get to unload my overanalyzing over here lol

  26. cheesehead

    cherry / 134 posts

    @FLnative12: congrats!!
    @babypugs: your not out until AF shows!!

    I'm 7ish dpo....planning to wait until Monday to test...i think..... I've only had 1 regular cycle since getting my period back pp, but this one has been completely different. Last cycle I was super bloated and crampy the whole week before af, this time nothing. I doubt it means anything...but a girl can hope, right?

  27. FLnative12

    olive / 57 posts

    @mrsb2012 - here you go! In all it's unambiguous glory!

  28. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @FLnative12: Woohoo!!!

  29. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    I am on the verge of burning my house down. I'm so on edge and just exhausted today. That could be pregnancy or PMS at this point so I'm not getting my hopes up.

    Also is achey joints a thing? When I was pregnant with DS I immediately had excruciating back and pelvis pain. It felt like my bones were loose and misaligning all the time.

    My hips and knees are starting to pop and ache a lot lately. I spun around quickly last night to get in the fridge and it felt like my hip popped out of place. Ouch!! I may just be getting old

  30. combatlibby

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    @LAZB: no AF, which is awesome, but I was late my last two cycles so I'm holding off until Friday. Plus, my husband was called out of town for work and I haven't had the time to purchase a test! If things don't work out this cycle, I'm going to awesome my cycles are two days longer than expected from here on out. Sorry for the tease!

  31. Winnie13

    kiwi / 501 posts

    @Litebrite: The stock market thing was hysterical!!
    @MrsB2012: Sorry girl!!
    @FLnative12: yay!!!! Congratulations!!! So exciting!!
    @Narwhal: I did whole 30 with DH and loved it!! It definitely does wonders for your body!!

    Ok ladies... Question. What CD do you usually ovulate?? Took Femara and patiently waiting for my + OPK. History shows that I O on CD 19/20. Hoping its earlier this go around!

  32. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @Winnie13: I usually ovulate right around CD15

    BFN again this morning. Only 9dpo and I'm using cheapie tests which probably aren't that sensitive. Going to pick up some FRERs at the grocery store later today. Maybe 10dpo will be luckier!

  33. Litebrite

    cherry / 174 posts

    @artsyfartsy: Boo! 9 dpo is early, though. I chickened out this morning and didn't test. I'm so not in the mood to see so I'll hold off a little more until the test results are more reliable.

  34. Litebrite

    cherry / 174 posts

    @Winnie13: I guess I o between cd 18-26. Good luck with the femera. I hope it gets those eggs moving for you

  35. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    4dpo here and I've been super crampy the last 2 days... I am seriously wondering why because I feel like it's WAY too early to be anything pregnancy related.

    That said, I was on countdown to pregnancy, and I cannot believe HOW MANY people upload pregnancy test photos at 4dpo... why do people test that early? That just seems insane, like the only way it's possible to get a + that early is if you're not correctly charting. Or am I off on this one? Seems like a waste of money/tests to me.

  36. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @narwhal: there is absolutely no way you could get a positive at 4dpo! I think the earliest you can get a positive is 8dpo. They would have to be off on the dates if they were showing positives at 4dpo. I'm a POAS addict, and I'll start testing super early, at like 8dpo... Ok, sometimes 7dpo.. mostly just for fun. Although now that it's taking longer this time, I've been holding off until 9dpo. You can get some super cheap tests, so it's not so much a waste of money ( if you buy in bulk, you can get them for less than $1 )

    @artsyfartsy: 9dpo is still early! I was doing some reading, and 9dpo is one of the most common days for implantation, so you wouldn't get a + until a day or two after I think

    @Winnie13: I usually O on CD 19-21. My cycles range from 31-35 days. I wish I had shorter cycles, I hate waiting for O, even more so than the 2ww. Hopefully you get an earlier O this month.

    @FLnative12: lovely test, thanks for posting!

    @LAZB: Good luck once you start trying! How many times are you still feeding?

  37. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    @MrsB2012: yah I have cheapies too... I don't get why anyone would start at 4dpo! 7, sure... you could have implanted early and perhaps be able to watch the progression of a squinter!

    I am trying to decide if 10dpo is too early this time.... I'm going to try really hard to hold off until 12 dpo, but part of me wonders *IF* it's my cycle, how early I would get a positive... it's just that much more heartbreaking the earlier I start, I find.

  38. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    @MrsB2012: I got my BFP with DS at 10dpo so I'm holding out hope I can get one tomorrow.

    I hate wasting FRERs though so I almost want to skip tomorrow...but I know I won't be able to hold off. Lol

  39. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @artsyfartsy: pee in a cup and use your cheapie, then if you think you see something, verify with a FRER! Then you wont waste one

  40. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @narwhal: I got both my bfp's at 9dpo, super squinters, but then clear on a frer on 10dpo

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