Hellobee Boards


January POAS

  1. Synchronicity

    grapefruit / 4089 posts

    @bizwitch: I say I'm not going to POAS until the day AF is due but realistically I'll probably start testing on CD10 with cheapies

  2. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @bizwitch: Gah, so close! At least you're covered--no more stepping on rusty nails. Ouch!

  3. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @Synchronicity: I guess I'll try to hold out as long as I can! We'll see!

  4. Synchronicity

    grapefruit / 4089 posts

    @bizwitch: you just do you, lady! I bought cheapies because I know I have no willpower

  5. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @Synchronicity: LOL! I kind of want to do it the day after my birthday which is only 8 DPO. That's probably unrealistic.

    Wouldn't want to know on my bday anyway because you know I'll be enjoying some beverages. Took the day after off because I'm a lightweight now that I'm in my 30s!

  6. Properpie

    coffee bean / 30 posts

    I've been POAS since about 7DPO. Today is 10DPO and still stark white. Also generally feeling a bit crampy this morning like AF is close (I have only had an 11 day LF since getting off BCP, so not late yet, but getting pretty close).

    For those who temp: I had a later night than usual and not great sleep last night, and the first temp I took was quite low (back to baseline, so AF to come), but then I decided maybe I hadn't left it under my tongue long enough to equilibrate. So without getting out of bed or anything, I took another temp and got way back up (where I was hoping it'd be). Is the second temp valid? Or should I just believe the first one?

  7. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @Properpie: I know squat about temping, so I hope someone here can give you some insight.

  8. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @Properpie: I don't know much about temping but I never say anything until 12-13dpo.

    I think I had some implantation bleeding today. Gonna be a long wait until next weekend.

  9. Babybeeforme

    pea / 17 posts

    I'm out, AF is here. 😔 Good luck ladies!

  10. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @Babybeeforme: Ugh, sorry. See you in the next cycle!

  11. Babybeeforme

    pea / 17 posts

    @madisonbee: thank you! This cycle was especially hard. I think I may have had a CP. I had a faint line at 9 DPO, the highest temps I've ever seen, and was feeling nauseous. Then it was all gone.

  12. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @Babybeeforme: I can relate. I was so symptomatic and had a super faint line that I posted on here on 11dpo and then it never came up again. It's like life dangles it in front of you and then snatches it away. At least we all have each other.

  13. Babybeeforme

    pea / 17 posts

    @madisonbee: I'm so sorry to hear that you've been through that too. 💛

  14. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @Babybeeforme: Thanks. I'm glad we have this place! I don't talk to anyone about this stuff--not even DH (not too much details).

  15. Babybeeforme

    pea / 17 posts

    @madisonbee: I've started opening up to my friends about the struggle since its been so hard, and they've been very receptive.

    This cycle was the first time DH realized how difficult this process actually is. We're on cycle 7 now.

  16. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    @Babybeeforme: That happened to me over Christmas and was truly gutting. I'm really sorry. It's amazing all the hoping, wishing and even planning that can happen in the 24 hours or less before the next test is stark white. Take care of yourself.

  17. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @Babybeeforme: I'm glad you have that support! I'm not ready for it yet. DH doesn't get how hard it is for me, mainly cause I just keep it to myself.

  18. Babybeeforme

    pea / 17 posts

    @knittylady: thank you! I'm sorry you had to go through it too 💛 Even though we kept telling each other not to let our hopes get high, we were already planning and dreaming. So so hard.

  19. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @Babybeeforme: I am really sorry to hear this

  20. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @Properpie: I think given the late night and unrestful sleep - probably neither temp is very useful. Try again tomorrow.

  21. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @Babybeeforme: Ugh I'm so sorry. for next cycle.

  22. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    I do have to say, adopting a dog has made this so much easier, at least in the short term. I at least have some substantial outlet for my pent up nurturing energy. A creature who looks at me like I am the greatest person in the world. Who craves my attention and is comforted by my touch. Who wants to play with me and show me affection all the time.

    It is certainly not a substitute for a baby, but it has helped. If you've been thinking about getting a dog during this time I definitely recommend it.

  23. Synchronicity

    grapefruit / 4089 posts

    @bizwitch: dogs are pure !

  24. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @Synchronicity: It's like I didn't realize I had a dog-shaped hole in my heart until I adopted Roscoe!

    On Saturday morning he was outside in the yard and so was our cat. They were exploring and sniffing and occasionally interacting while I was keeping an eye on them. It was just so... nice. It *almost* felt like our family was complete. I can't wait for the feeling of having a baby, to have that feeling times infinity.

  25. Synchronicity

    grapefruit / 4089 posts

    @bizwitch: that's awesome! I'm glad you have your creatures to keep you busy and happy

  26. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @bizwitch: That is so sweet! We had to put down our 10 year old pittie last January due to bladder cancer. I always hoped she'd be around when we had a baby. We'd like to get another one, but still stings from her being gone.

    Maybe I should get a plant...

  27. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @madisonbee: We put down our last dog about a year and a half ago. It takes a while to be ready again. I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Plants are great too.

  28. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @bizwitch: You'll just get a bonus tetanus shot. They recommend you get it in the early 3rd tri to convey immunity to the fetus. Doesn't work if you get it before you're pregnant or barely pregnant.

  29. mrskansas

    nectarine / 2813 posts

    @bizwitch: so smart to get a dog before baby! We got our lab when my daughter was just over 1 and she was terrified of her for a while. It helps if they are born into a home w/ a dog because then it's just a normal part of their life

  30. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @mrskansas: I hadn't even though of that, but that makes a lot of sense.

    This particular dog had come from a home where they had just had twins, and in addition to two other kids, another dog and bunnies it was too much for them to handle. But apparently he was very gentle with both the babies and the bunnies. Once a bunny even bit him on the nose and he didn't retaliate. So I'm looking forward to cute times with a baby and a dog. Not holding out hope for my cat being cute with a baby because she's kind of a b*tch. Haha.

  31. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @bizwitch: I totally just pictured a bunny nipping at him and he's just chillin' there.

  32. Properpie

    coffee bean / 30 posts

    @bizwitch: thanks, I think you're right, I think generally just a bad temping morning. Also, your dog is adorable, what a sweet boy.

    I've had really light spotting over the past 24 hours which just turned from brown to red. Pretty sure tomorrow will be CD1.

  33. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @Properpie: Bummer - good luck next cycle!

  34. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    @Properpie: awwww sorry. FX next month

  35. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    @Properpie: sorry to hear it. Good luck in February

  36. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    How's everybody doing? Been pretty quiet the last couple of days.

    I'm 9-10 DPO and did not POAS this morning. Pretty proud of myself for that. My thought process was, if it's stark white I'll just spend more time being sad and then will want AF to hurry up and come. If it's a squinter, then I'll just fixate on it and not be able to concentrate all day. AF could come as early as Monday or as late as Wednesday if this proves to be a normal cycle. Dunno if I can hold out that long! Agh!

  37. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @bizwitch: Kudos to you! I'd be POAS starting 8dpo and making myself depressed. Try to be distracted this weekend and test on Monday (easier said than done...)!

  38. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @madisonbee: I'm going to try to get through the weekend! A perk to not testing and not knowing would be one last weekend that includes beer - if I am pregnant.

  39. knittylady

    pomegranate / 3212 posts

    @bizwitch: I'm so hopeful for you! And amazing will power!

    AFM things aren't so hot. Started bleeding yesterday and it's continued into today. I'm certain it's another CP, but went for a blood draw this morning and will go again on Monday just to confirm. Also last time this happened hearing the final hcg level of 6 was what really hit it all home for me and gave me closure I guess. Until then I find the tiniest bit of hope hangs on. Hope is a monster!

  40. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @knittylady: Oh honey I'm so sorry.

    What does hcg level of 6 mean exactly? That hcg went back down?

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