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Judging facebook photos

  1. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Anagram: same! Before I knew anything I would only judge if it was like, someone smoking and holding their baby... or if their baby was.. not cute Now that I've done all this research, oh my goodness.. I'm a judgey-pants 0_o

  2. MsMamaBear

    pear / 1861 posts

    @prettylizy: OMG!

  3. PurpleUnicorn

    persimmon / 1035 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: L is the cutest!! my L has a crush on her i think Actually, she is not just cute, she is really pretty.

    and yes i am guilty of judging some things. I think i judge more things since being on HB so much so i do try to remind myself that that person is probably not on HB. Heck, i judge people with baby bjorn carriers, even though i proudly used one for the first 5 months!

    i have silently judged when i see a pacifier at like one week old. But i guess it's possible they are not BFing. It just stuck in my head from my prenatal/BF class not to give one for the first six weeks.

  4. rachiecakes

    coconut / 8279 posts

    my DH works as a skating instructor in the winter and we were married on the ice. DS was put on the ice at a very early age and my parents almost sh*t a brick seeing photos.
    actually I'm holding DS on the ice in my user pic here. I was a step from the players' bench and he was handed to me for the photo. I promise, he is OK and we would never, ever allow him on the ice for more than a minute photo without a helmet.
    I probably have judged myself but unless you know someone, you really can't tell from just a photo.

  5. doodlepoodle

    grapefruit / 4136 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: um. I can't believe you'd even consider thinking she isn't the most adorable baby EVER. Even my hubs wants to snuggle her

    DH tells me it's my fault Js ears are so bad bc I'd say 'that baby has a weird hair line' or something like that (ALWAYS in private) but I'm so much more sensitive now...

  6. doodlepoodle

    grapefruit / 4136 posts

    @stargal: omg I get SO mad at my mom. She posts EVRY picture she takes on fb, even the unflattering ones. Case in point:

  7. MamaJ

    pear / 1609 posts

    @Bao: I'm judgy about carseat pictures too! DHs cousin coward faced her LO at 6 months (if not younger) and someone I know just put a video up of her LO in the car and the chest clip was all the way at the bottom!

  8. mrsmenow

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    @PurpleUnicorn: aaahhh don't judge the nuk. I have given my oldest 2 (the ones I have BF) a pacifier from the beginning and have BF without problems. But then again I judge when babies have them past a year. I wean my pacifiers early and want to just pluck them out of older kids mouths and walk a way with them, lol.

  9. LaineysMom

    clementine / 916 posts

    @PurpleUnicorn: our ped okayed the paci at one week bc we had such an easy time breast feeding. She only used it in the car, but im sure we have a photo or 2 of it.

    I'm pretty good about not judging based on photos.. But I am guilty of cringing at "my baby is sooo beautiful" pics.. I'm a bad person.

  10. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @googly-eyes: @zippylef: We use bumpers too, and her blanket. She will not sleep without bumpers, we tried.

    That and she still has her binky, at night, or when all else fails. I'm careful what pictures I share, I don't like being judged.

  11. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @googly-eyes: I was all judgey and horrified by bumpers and anyone who used them....Until my daughter got moving and battered herself every night & day on the crib rails (waking up screaming bloody murder), and also thinks it's a fun game to see how many limbs she can hang out the crib and how far out she can get them. Then her chub legs get stuck and she cries. All are a major sleep disruption! I bought the mesh breathable bumper and that was a joke (then it was a game to kick through it or knock it down bc so thin) so I returned it. Also bought something called Cozy Wedge- another fail that got returned. I think that she is big enough & mobile enough now that she would just move herself out of the way if she ever scooted into the bumper and had a hard time getting air. Sometimes she sleeps facedown & that used to freakme out but she does her thingand is always fine, so at this point I am more concerned with wakeups, head donks, and broken limbs, so I am purchasing a real-deal bumper too! I know people will judge me too if their LO does not pull all of the crib slat/rail shenanigans that mine does, but I have tried to find an alternative and there just isnt one...So we can be "bad moms" together, lol:).

  12. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @zippylef: h aha- I love the word "unfortunate," lol:). And H is about to be a bumper baby too. Some kids really do need them. She is one of them. I think the risk of suffocation is much lower with one than the risk of breaking an arm or leg or really hurting her head without one on there!

  13. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    I feel like I'm probably a mom that would have silent judgement against me? I wonder if people think it's annoying all of the K pics I post (most don't get posted on FB, more on IG). I wonder if she's really as cute as we think she is too. I mean every parent thinks their LO is so cute! I think if you saw a crib pic in the daytime I must get mentally criticized by others then a lot bc we have a couple stuffed animals and maybe a lovey in there. But I look at the monitor incessantly and we have an Angel Care and she doesn't move or roll yet.
    Idk if I have any car seat pics that she looks improperly buckled... Probably someone would think so.

    I don't really judge others at all. I know a lot of pics are propped or just for fun.
    @PurpleUnicorn: I do feel a little judgemental about the outward baby Bjorne but I try not to let myself say anything.

    @oliviaoblivia: come now! L is stunningly beautiful!

  14. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    Yes... but I keep my mouth shut because I know I would be pissed if somebody said something to me. It isn't always pictures though. A friend of mine posted on her status about how she was shocked how much her 1 month old could eat of the formula/rice bottles they have been giving her. Rice? For a 1 month old? But I didn't say a word...

  15. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    Before DD arrived or when she was still a newborn, I would be in shock with some pictures thinking how unsafe things are, how this-and-that book and experts say to do something else, or avoid it etc. Now that DD is almost 1, I mentally learned my lesson (I never actually said anything to anyone).

    You will break at least one rule you swore you would not do.

  16. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @shopaholic: @PurpleUnicorn: @babyjmama: you ladies are too sweet. Thank you!

  17. petunia354

    pomegranate / 3863 posts

    I try not to judge because you never know the full story. But I feel like I could be one of those moms that gets judged! We totally have a few small stuffed animals in DS's crib. And I whenever I post pics on IG I always get self conscious because I feel like he doesn't photograph well, like he is cuter in person (ugh, I'm annoyed at myself for saying that) and I don't want people to think I'm phishing for compliments when I post pics of him. We think he is a gorgeous baby but don't expect anyone else to, lol.

  18. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    @Crumbs: You will break pretty much every "rule" you swore you wouldn't! haha

  19. erwoo

    pomegranate / 3053 posts

    LOL! I'm with you on that but really can't help but to think about how dangerous it is and then I move on. Another thing that's disturbing is where some seat belt clips are. Some of the straps are even too loose... I always get on my husband's case on this...b/c he's a huge offender of where the clips should go. But I really shouldn't judge b/c I'm sure I do things the wrong way myself. I guess we're just more concerned than anything, right?

  20. erwoo

    pomegranate / 3053 posts

    @PrincessBaby: I went through that with my oldest. Lots of head bumps and limbs getting stuck. He would even get his limbs caught with BOTH the breathable and bumper. I put the mesh over the bumper in hopes that the mesh would be better over the bumper. Thankfully, nothing happened. Now with my 14-month-old, I removed the bumper as soon as he could turn. So far, he hasn't gotten any limbs caught. Some head bumps but nothing bad.

  21. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    To each their own, parenting is hard, I just try not to be critical of others. Everyone has moments that humble them, nobody is perfect.

    @oliviaoblivia: she is beautiful, I always look forward to your IG photos... especially with your pup, they are so cute together.

    @shopaholic: I really like K's photos too! Your sense of style is awesome

    I really enjoy IG much more now that I have so many HB'ers in my feed!

  22. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: seriously, you have one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen. Everyone MUST tell you that?! I love seeing her photo on IG.

    @shopaholic: Awww I think K is so cute! I love all the photos.

    I try not to judge. But the car seat ones, I do a little. I just usually hope the car is parked it something.

  23. Mrs. Polish

    blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts

    @petunia354: this thread has made me realize the things I'm probably being judged for. What. Ev.

  24. Mrs. Polish

    blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts

    @Crumbs: true story.

  25. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    Now I'm a little self conscious... I'm pretty sure I've probably posted photos on FB & IG that have been judged. Oh well.

  26. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    Honestly, maybe it's because I'm still pregnant and not a parenting pro, but I don't even notice "errors" in pictures. I would judge if it was something outrageous, like someone smoking near an infant or whatever... but I've never seen anything like that on my news feed!

  27. JerricaBenton

    pomegranate / 3872 posts

    Sometimes the perspective of carseat photos make it look like they are front facing but they aren't. I saw FB pics that convinced me a 6 month old was front facing and I was horrified but then I saw the baby in the car in person and it was rear facing. I know I take pictures of LO in the carseat in the house before we even go anywhere when she's not strapped in. Also all her crib pictures are with toys or loveys even though she's never once slept in her crib. Everything will be out of there once she does. I just try not to judge, but then again I don't have any friends feeding their infants candy or anything like that.

  28. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    @mrskc: Thanks! I love AJ's pics too!


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