A page I follow on FB just posted about a teacher that uses a "June box" for things kids bring to school that they're not supposed to (Pokemon cards, in this case). The items go in, and the kids don't get them back until June, when school is out. I'm curious about how people feel about that. I don't know what the rules are (surely it at least requires multiple infractions before they take it that far?), but my immediate reaction is horror. I would be so devastated as a kid (or as an adult!) if someone took away something that was mine for *months.* Maybe I'm too attached to my possessions, but it just upsets me thinking about it. My love language is also gifts, so maybe that plays into it. As a kid, if I was hauling around something I shouldn't have, it was probably because it was a gift that I wanted with me. But that's just me.
Anyway, I'd like some other perspectives, because I feel like mine is an overreaction.
ETA- I don't know the grade/age in this case, but definitely younger elementary school.