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Kavanaugh vs Ford

  1. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    With all the threats she and her family have received it just doesnt seem logical to be put herself through this if she was lying.

  2. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @Mrsbells: That’s what I don’t understand about the people who think she’s lying - to what end? She and her family are literally in hiding. Do people think she cares that much about...democracy? That she’d do this? Nobody wants this kind of fame, she’s not making any money from it....it’s baffling.

  3. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    @erinbaderin: yeah I cant wrap my mind around it!

  4. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    I just can’t imagine Dr. Ford got her attacker wrong and yet I find Kavanaugh equally compelling in terms of fighting for his credibility. I think it’s a shame just how partisan this is. We have hit so many lows as a country at this point. Do we know yet who leaked the letter to the Feinstein? If anything that’s what the FBI could have investigated. Honestly, I think Feinstein should have shared the letter with Grassley. This 11th hour stuff reeks as a gotcha moment. At least we know Dr. Ford tipped the media at the same time she sent the letter.

  5. LadyDi

    persimmon / 1381 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I don't think she got her attacker wrong. I feel like what happened to her is seared into her memory. I find it very hard to believe she would put herself through this if she wasn't certain. However, I think Kavanaugh certainly believes himself. But I think to him this incident, at the time, wasn't a big deal, plus he was drunk, so he probably doesn't remember.

  6. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    @LadyDi: I agree - I think it happened, but I could believe that he doesn’t remember it because he was drunk and, if the others coming forward are to be believed, this was not out-of-the-ordinary behaviour for him. That being said, I think part of his “credibility” is his vehemence, which I think is partly because this is probably the first time he’s ever a) faced consequences for his actions and b) faced the potential of not getting what he wanted.

  7. gotkimchi

    nectarine / 2400 posts

    @erinbaderin: @LadyDi: I agree I didn’t find him compelling - I think this is how middle aged white men act when confronted with their crimes. Deny deny deny. There’s a reason job advice is to walk around with the confidence of a middle aged white man named John. They get away with shit and they know it

  8. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    Same @LadyDi: I think he just doesn’t remember the incident and likely many others.

    Is anyone else a little shocked that they did that much drinking in HS?

    @erinbaderin: once the questioning began he sounded like a real dick.

  9. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @LadyDi: @erinbaderin: Same, I just think he doesn’t remember because he was drunk.

    Am I the only one surprised by all of this HS drinking?

    Once the questioning began the judge turned into a real prick.

  10. muffinsmuffins

    persimmon / 1023 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I will 10000% guarantee that Kavanaugh has never thought any of his past or present behaviour ‘counted’ as assault/harrassment/rape. He spent his entire life getting pat on the back and ascending to high levels in his profession while facing zero consequences being one of the boys. These accusations are likely totally shocking for him because he doesn’t think of himself that way and he’s lashing out now that our culture finally calls people out for these things. He thought he would slide into the Supreme Court without a second thought because that’s how it’s always been. No man thinks they’ve participated in rape culture, yet every woman has a story...the math doesn’t add up.

  11. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    I saw this on Facebook today and it made me feel a little sick with how true it is.

  12. Dahlia

    clementine / 935 posts

    @muffinsmuffins: This.

  13. gotkimchi

    nectarine / 2400 posts

    @Foodnerd81: word. So disgusting

  14. gotkimchi

    nectarine / 2400 posts

    It really bothers me how it seems the gop has so much invested in protecting this guy. I know trump likes him because he believes the president is above the law but i think Diane Feinstein said it best, this isn’t a interrogation of Ford, but a job interview for Kavanaugh. We have other equally qualified people who hopefully don’t have sexual assault allegations. Can’t the gop find one of them???

    Also, I read the gop might be blocking a fbi investigation because prep schools in the 80s? How many of them would also be going down. Such a sad place to be.

    Blue wave. Flip it blue. Everyone vote in nov and bring 10 people with you. This is a defining time in our nation. I will raise my daughter not to put up with this shit and my son to not act like this.

  15. LadyDi

    persimmon / 1381 posts

    @gotkimchi: That's interesting about gop blocking an investigation about prep schools. I am surprised I haven't heard more analysis about the culture of where and when Kavanaugh was raised. I am familiar with the area and it's a very wealthy/elite area outside of DC with a lot of political ties.

  16. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    @muffinsmuffins: yes 100% the math doesnt add up one bit!
    @Foodnerd81: that just makes my stomach turn

  17. 808love

    pomelo / 5866 posts

    Watching the opening statement by K and right after the repetitive I like beer part, he denies it and does the non-verbal liar sniff. Most people unconsciously rub their nose but he squinched his nose and sniffed when he lied. It is his tell and I hope more people take notice. I mean really it is about his credibility. Do you believe him? I can’t wait till the old boys network is shut down for good. DH naively says, it’s not still like this, is it?

  18. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    The American Bar Association is now calling on a FBI Investigation. Whether it happens or not I am happy some of our institutions are fighting for our integrity.

  19. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    I posted this to FB last night:

    Today was a historic day. It will certainly be remembered, just as Anita Hill is remembered. And listening to the testimony of both Dr. Blasey Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, it is clear that this has been a trying time for both of them. My heart goes out to both of them and their families. We may never know the truth. We may never know what really happened the summer of 1982. I believe Dr. Ford, but I can understand why others might believe Judge Kavanaugh.

    But regardless of who you believe, I think Judge Kavanaugh's behavior today should disqualify him from serving a lifetime appointment on the highest court in our country. He attacked Senators, interrupted them, and demanded more respect than he himself was giving. He blamed a vast liberal conspiracy for the events occurring and revealed his own animosity towards liberals. He indicated that the 10-day delay on his confirmation has been beyond hell, showing little sympathy for the 36 years that Dr. Ford has had the endure with the shadow of an assault hanging over her. And he expressed an entitlement to the position he was nominated for.

    No one is entitled to sit on the Supreme Court and I don't believe anyone who has the animosity that Judge Kavanaugh does for fellow Americans should be allowed anywhere near it.

    Let us hope today is as low as we go when it comes to Supreme Court nominations. People were appalled by the Anita Hill hearing and this one was much worse...

  20. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @Adira: totally agree with you his behavior alone yesterday should disqualify. I get it the Justices are not apolitical, but my goodness he just showed his bias in the most disdainful way.

  21. LCTBQE

    nectarine / 2461 posts

    @muffinsmuffins: damn, did you nail it or what!

  22. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    I thought this was funny, in a depressing, all too real way. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/opinions/wp/2018/09/27/how-dare-you-do-this-to-brett-kavanaugh/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.06591ba499fe

    I don't even accept that members of congress, and people in general, actually *don't* believe her. They may be a little unsure... but the real truth is that they don't care, and/or they don't think it's that bad. I wish they would be more concerned about the fact that he unquestionably lied while under oath yesterday. Kinda seems like a big deal...but nope. Nothing is going to stop this vote today.

  23. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MrsSCB: Yeah, I enjoyed that opinion piece, though it was also pretty depressing.

    Totally agree that they don't care. I think politically they believe they have to confirm Kavanaugh or risk their base completely revolting. The whole process is frustrating and depressing. I can only hope that the blue wave is even bigger because of this.

  24. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Ugh. I am sick over this. If he get confirmed today, what kind of message are we sending to our youth? That even if you stood up and spoke the truth, it doesn't matter? That if you're a white privileged male, you can get away with anything?

  25. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @Adira: Isn't that what the GOP has become lately? Not enough people have the guts to really stand up against what's right/wrong, everyone's just on this train b/c they have no where else to go?!

  26. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    I read a quote this morning that made me so furious - from Senator Hatch: "No. No, I think she’s sincere. I didn’t have any problem with that. I liked her. But she’s just sincerely wrong.”

    She’s just wrong. He has no proof, no reason to think that, he believes that she was assaulted, but “she’s just sincerely wrong.” No reasons, he just needs her to be wrong because otherwise the whole Goddamn lot of them are monsters, so she’s wrong. It’s nauseating.

    I’d also like to hear from the people who believe her but say it’s in the past. After the performance yesterday, is that how you still feel? And even before that, you genuinely believe that he sexually assaulted at least one woman but that he still deserves to have a lifetime appointment to a super powerful job? Nobody’s saying he should go to jail, he should be branded a felon, he should be punished in ANY WAY other than not being given an incredibly important and prestigious position making decisions that will have incredibly real tangible effects on the lives of millions.

  27. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @erinbaderin: They are monsters.

  28. Pollywog

    persimmon / 1111 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: nope. As someone who didn't drink until college, I have a hard time believing an athlete at Prep didn't binge drink regularly. My brother in law's were part of that culture. So we're senator's kids.

    I think they both are telling the truth and he just doesn't remember because in his mind it was horseplay and no big deal.

    I'm also positive that his binge drinking and aggressiveness is already in his FBI files. Not this allegation, but others. The senators knew it already.

  29. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    Jeff Flake is a piece of shit. He's not even running again FFS, and he STILL couldn't find the courage to do what's right. This entire situation is an absolute farce and a travesty. If you aren't registered to vote, do it now. There's still time. We don't have to accept this bullshit.

  30. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MrsSCB: Jeff Flake is a piece of shit who wants a conservative SCOTUS, so he'll say whatever he can to try to convey his impartiality while still voting for a conservative SCOTUS.

  31. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    @Adira: But the thing that gets me is there's TIME for that! Even if they said forget about Kavanaugh today, they still have time before the midterms. So why? Why are they so hung up on him? It's because so many congressmen see themselves in him--he comes from the "right" kind of privileged family, he's done all the "right" things, therefore he's entitled to this position. It's disgusting.

  32. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @MrsSCB: Agree. They are acting like they HAVE to confirm him NOW. It's ridiculous, ESPECIALLY after Republicans kept Scalia's seat open for OVER A YEAR. There's still plenty of time between now and the midterms to have an investigation, subpoena other witnesses, and have another hearing. There's no logical reason NOT to do all of that unless they think it'll make Kavanaugh look even WORSE than he already does. It's so painfully obvious that the Republicans don't care about the truth. They don't care about putting a sexual predator on the Supreme Court. They don't care about minimizing sexual assault survivors. All they care about if having a conservative SCOTUS and they don't care how they get it.

    I'll be so disappointed in Collins in Murkowski if they vote to confirm him, but it sounds like they will.

  33. Madison43

    persimmon / 1483 posts

    @Adira: I had a long post but HB ate it. Basically, yes to your Facebook post. I loathe the way this has been handled from start to finish, Dems to Republicans. I dont care that Kavanaugh’s opening statement was so angry - if he was falsely accused, he has a right to be angry - but it was so wildly partisan, it should be disqualifying. Unfortunately, I think it was probably so attractive to republicans that they are willing to overlook the possibility that he sexually assaulted Dr. Ford and push the nom through.

  34. 808love

    pomelo / 5866 posts

    There is only one truth teller and one liar here. He may not remember and believes himself but he is a liar. Also agreeing with
    @Adira: @erinbaderin:

  35. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @Madison43: I think the Republican base probably liked his anger and his partisanship. It feels like our Democracy is so screwed...

  36. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    Kavanaugh is a perfect reflection of what Trump stands for: white privledge, wealth, sexism, frat-boy mentality, abusive, angry, violent, arrogance...

    His testimony proved to me that he would be a biased judge. He was rude to the senators questioning him and was not at all eloquent. I think he is a monster, that will unfortunately serve on the Supreme Court.

    Politics these days makes me very depressed and I can’t emphasize enough the importance of voting.


  37. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    This is a really strong piece: https://www.cbc.ca/1.4842429

  38. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    Holy smokes! Flake is calling for an FBI investigation and a delay of one week!!!

    ETA: Well... that didn't seem to amount to much.

    ETA2: Okay, it sounds like Flake is saying he wouldn't vote yes on the floor vote without this investigation?? That's huge if that's true.

  39. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    @erinbaderin: I feel horrible for her. The fact that instead of trying to bury the whole thing and put it behind her, she has to look up him every so often just to make sure he hasn't ascended to more powerful positions

  40. Madison43

    persimmon / 1483 posts

    @Adira: this is the definition of having your cake and eating it too. He makes republicans happy by voting yes; looks like a hero to others for calling for an investigation. I’ll take what I can get at this point but I’m not impressed.

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