Our little girl is 11 days old today, and I think my husband is getting frustrated that there's not too much he can do for her yet.

Right now, we're in basic survival mode: feed baby, clean baby, change baby, get baby to sleep, keep baby alive. He's been great with changing diapers, helping to bathe her, and taking care of meals, the house, and other non-baby stuff that needs to get done. But I think he feels really uninvolved when I'm feeding her every couple of hours - because there's nothing he can do to help.

He also is kind of insecure about his parenting skills in general and thinks that the baby hates him because he can't comfort her when she cries as easily as I can, even though I keep telling him that it's my breasts that comfort her, and it's got nothing to do with my parenting skills or his.

Things will change in a month or so when I start pumping and he can feed her once in a while, but till then, does anyone have any ideas about how I can help my husband feel involved and connected while the baby and I are basically attached mouth-to-boob all the time?