Mavrick has been a pretty good eater and he's been good with sleep as well. He goes down around 7:30-8:-00 and is up at around 6:00-6:30 and plays in his room until 6:30-7:00

He still takes a bottle of milk to go to bed, and is usually out for the night. It's been a good month or so, that he's been waking up in the middle of the night asking for another bottle, sometimes two. He only asks for milk, drinks it and goes back to bed. He doesn't want to get up to play so I assume he really is hungry.

I know this technically this isn't a great thing because he can drink 8-16oz before bed and another 8-16oz in the middle of the night. Trust me, even if I change his diaper at 2 am when he wakes up, he usually is FULL of pee come morning.

I've tried giving him more food before bed to fill him up, but it's a hit or miss. Any ideas on what to do? I know he's an active little boy, but that's a whole lot of milk to be drinking at night time. Right?