Ugh, my son opened the Target box that had part of his Santa present in it and I’m already hating how I handled it. I’m trying to figure out what to do next...
Backstory: DS1 (5) is getting a big Lego creative set for Christmas from Santa that I bought a while ago. When he saw Santa last week he asked for a Lego airplane. I saw one on sale at target for like $8 - it’s a small one and bought it for Santa to bring too. Well DS opened the Target delivery box that arrived today and saw it. While he asked DH if he could play with it, I hid it, and when he came back I was all “what legos? It’s just clothes for baby sister” which were part of the same shipment. I feel awful for basically gaslighting my kid but I don’t know what to do now. It’s the only thing he asked Santa for so I thought it would be magical for it to be there. But I wonder if now it’ll just bring up questions and it’s better to not give it at all. Or some other option... so what would you do?
ETA: DS2 (2.5) asked Santa for chicken nuggets so I was gonna get some frozen dinosaur ones to be from Santa in addition to the plastic dinosaurs he’s already getting. But I could bail on that too if it’d be weird for 1 kid to get their Santa request but not the other. I doubt DS2 will put it together anyway