There may be thread(s) already on this, I don't know, there have been many gift threads lately!

Growing up, how did you give gifts to your parents? How do you plan to handle that with your children?

My childhood:
Ages 0-9: mostly handmade or small gifts bought with allowance at the Scholastic book fair at my school
Age 10-16?: Dad would give us each $50 and bring us to a store to pick out gifts for mom.... Walmart, JC Penney, etc.
Age 16 and on: Used our money to pick out gifts, usually try to stick to $60-$80 per parent.

What about you? It basically meant a lot of random gifts for 16 years... And personally, as a parent, I'd like to avoid that... But I do see the value of everyone participating in Christmas, and not just the kids getting showered in gifts.