LO seems to be weaning from me and while a few months ago I hated how she wouldn't take a bottle, I'm a little sad. I feel like it's fine and it's probably time because I know I could reverse it. She's sleeping better and actually spitting up less when she takes a bottle. She's always seemed to have some sort of issue with dairy and the low lactose formula seems to be making her happier.

She still nurses definitely in the morning and she comfort nurses a little before bed. Plus, if she wakes up, she's nursed and I usually try once or twice a day but she almost always nurses for a minute then wants a bottle if it's daytime.

I had always said I wanted her only on breast milk until a year but we introduced formula because she needed to be able to take a bottle sometimes and she wouldn't drink my milk out of a bottle. I know it's not the worst but still. She was about 80% breastfed until a few weeks ago and gradually she's moved up to almost entirely wanting formula during the day. I just miss the times when we were all cuddled up nursing. It has seemed to just suit both of us more to use formula, I just don't want to feel like I gave up.

There's not really a point besides to vent it a bit. I think she's just becoming more independent as she gets older (she's 6 months on Friday) and I am glad she still wants to nurse a few times a day.