So we will begin a major kitchen / first floor remodeling starting next week. We are gutting out the entire first floor, all the hardwood floors will come out, kitchen will be gone, a wall is coming down, entrance being restructured a bit, fireplace being moved...etc. It will last 10-12 weeks.... or more if we were unlucky.
My LO is 3.5 years old. I usually just make him dinner every day. However, with this remodeling, I think we can only keep our microwave and toaster oven functional. We just recently bought a grill to put outside on the patio and I don't know how to operate it, and it dictates by weather. In fact, I don't even know where to set up our temporary "eating" area. We can do cereal, yogurt and fruits for breakfast, we are ordering lunch for him at school during the remodeling so that's fine, but I need ideas for dinner.
For those who had experience remodeling your kitchen while your LO is/was young, what did you do about dinner? Love to hear your thoughts!