IDK why last night I suddenly had a thought about catheters and vaguely remember someone telling me they had to have it during L&D. Googled it last night and it seems like some women were told they had to have it if there was an epi involved or for a C-section. Other women said they weren't told they needed it and or were given it too late?

I'm pretty confused about if/when you really need and kind of horrified at the thought of it! I'm so scared of pain and something hanging/sticking up there sounds really painful! I mean, I imagine a tube thing hanging while you're trying to push and everyone's all in between your legs?

And then I hear it's in there from the time you get an epi till the day after delivery? Looks like some of your birth stories showed labor going on for 2 days!?! Also, I read posts from women who said they now "leak" all the time after getting a catheter and delivery.

So moms, please tell me the truth about catheters and delivery?