We just got home from the LC! LO gained 7oz in 5 days, he's 8lb 12oz now (he was 4lb 4oz at birth, he's 7 weeks old). He transferred 1.5oz! It definitely wasn't his best nursing session, I hadn't pumped in 4 hours and he got pretty choked up by the flow. She suggested pumping 2 hours before I feed him to help him get used to the flow (which, our best nursing session at home was one where I'd pumped 2 hours before. I had really been struggling with the timing of pumping and nursing so I'm excited to have gotten her input on that!)

We were doing 2-3 nursing sessions a day and following up with bottles after each nursing session. Since he's gained well, the new plan is to nurse at each feeding during the day (and follow up with bottles) and just do bottles for the 2 night feedings (more to give me a break than anything).

I have another appt on Thursday, so we'll see how his weight gain is then and be able to adjust quickly if he isn't gaining enough.

I'm feeling so much better about our progress after meeting with her! She just kept saying how great he was doing and how he's a natural and how it's so obvious he loves nursing and being so close to me.

I'm so so relieved and excited to keep on going!!