Yesterday, we had LO's convertible car seat installed. He has always been really good in the car and rarely cries or whines. However, all day today he has whined while in the seat. Then, on our way home from a viewing this evening he had an EPIC meltdown. Kid was so hysterical that he threw up on himself...twice. I checked to make sure the straps weren't too tight and everything looked ok.

We already threw out the box for the seat so we can't return it. Is there a chance that he is just going through an adjustment period? The only other reason I can think of is that the technician made us take down our mirror (and severely chastised us for having it!). I'm wondering if he was able to see me in the mirror and without it is going through a bit of separation anxiety? He was really difficult to calm down even when we got home and just clung around my neck for a solid 30 minutes sniffling.

It is breaking my heart to force him to go into a seat that he hates. It was only the first day though so I'm hoping he just needs to adjust to the change. Has anyone else experienced this?