Still not KU, but went over my maternity/prenatal ins coverage with ins company last week. I have a lower cost option or a higher cost option. The deductibles are $1750 for the higher cost or $750 for the lower. They are based on cost for care, not that the higher cost is always a better hospital. We have 2 hospitals in our small city. One is the higher cost, one is the lower cost option. We don't have any birthing centers close by.

My dr is affiliated with the lower cost hospital. Which would normally be awesome, because I actually prefer that hospital for things anyway, but my mom works there, in maternity, and I know all the nurses, many of them were there when I was born & were at my wedding! I've nannied for some of the drs. The whole thing is a little too close for my comfort! I also had a miscarriage when I was younger that I'd prefer to keep private, even if my mom didn't see my chart, it feels wrong for the nurses to know, but not my mom. then there's the whole birthing in front of them and learning to bf and all that stuff that's normally kind of private.

If I want to go to the other hospital, which I don't like, I'd have to find a new dr, it would cost an extra $1000 in the deductible plus I'd have to pay more for all my labs/tests done prenatally. But I'd have some privacy (not complete, since I have an aunt who works maternity there too, haha). I'd still want my mom in the room either way, but I wouldn't know most of the other people.

What would you do? Start looking for a new dr & pay the $1000+ or get over it & accept that this will not be a private event? Will my feelings change, would being around people I know be a comforting thing while giving birth? Anyone know their maternity staff? How did you feel going into it & after the fact? I'd like to figure this out by the time I get pregnant because I'm not a fan of switching drs, especially in the middle of a pregnancy.