Like the title says, I'm kind of torn about a situation and could really use some advice on what I should do. One of my friends is getting married soon and sent out a last minute email letting us know about her bachelorette party. The location would require me to book an airplane ticket and hotel, which isn't a problem but obviously requires a little more planning now that I have a LO.

I found out today from a mutual friend that the bride is already working on rooming arrangements and sent out a separate email to those that confirmed they will be there. I can't help but feel kind of sad because she just assumed I wouldn't be going, rather than taking the time to check with me first. The first email was literally sent a few days ago, so I figured I had more time to decide. It makes me feel like maybe my presence isn't that important if she couldn't be bothered to take a minute to ask me.

I'm normally not this sensitive when it comes to these types of things, but it's already a hard situation because this is a friend I used to talk to everyday. After LO was born, we've definitely drifted away and I feel like all of my attempts to reach out to her, have been half assed in return. I was already feeling hesitant about leaving LO for a weekend and now I'm really torn on whether I should go or not.

Any opinions or advice would be really helpful. What would you do in this situation? Thanks!