DS is 5.5 months old and for the past week he has been waking up in the MOTN as usual. He goes to bed around 7:15 and usually wakes once overnight between 1 and 3. He's up for the day around 6. The problem is that this one waking is now taking over an hour where before this week, he would eat and fall right back to sleep - 20 min max. Now he is wide awake after eating and it takes a ton of bouncing, shushing and binky reinsertions to get him back down. He was sick with an ear infection over the weekend but has been on antibiotics since Saturday. He isn't fussy or crying while he's up at night. Not sure if it's sickness related or the start of the 6 month sleep regression or just normal baby behavior...ugh I'm sorry for the rambly post. Just looking for suggestions and/or commiseration