So my husband and I did a love letter ceremony at our wedding. We wrote each other letters which we placed in a box during the ceremony, then read them on our 1st anniversary. Before reading the letters we wrote letters to be opened on our 2nd anniversary, and so on. We really like the tradition and it makes such a nice time capsule of our relationship.

I got to thinking I should do something similar for my daughter (and invite my husband to participate of course). I'm thinking I'll probably write her a letter for each birthday, and then also other random times when I just want to. Probably moreso in the first few years before I'm able to have real conversations with her. I'd not tell her about them and just keep them until she's older (undecided... maybe when she goes to college? or gets married? or maybe just whenever I feel like she's mature enough to appreciate them).

Wondering if anyone else is doing anything similar? I've heard of the idea of starting an email account for your child and sending them emails in a similar fashion-- but I want something more tangible for her. I'm also open to ideas people might have about how to do this. I'm not sure if I should just buy a wooden box and stick letters in there? Or do something else... the idea is still sort of evolving