I've been looking at baby books online and in stores, where you fill in information about baby and attach photos and things through the first year (or so). I had every intention of getting one, until I realized that (1) I couldn't find one I love, and (2) the industry hasn't changed much since I was a baby some 30 years ago. I take all digital photos. Shouldn't I have a digital baby book that I can customize as much as I want and then print it?
So I started looking online, but I either haven't found the perfect search terms or I'm crazy. Has anyone done a make-your-own baby book, one that you put together on your computer (in iPhoto or shutterfly or something completely different) and then had it printed? If you did, did you use a template, or how did you decide what to feature on different pages, what milestones to record, etc.? Am I overly ambitious and/or crazy for even considering doing it this way? I actually think it would be easier than printing individual photos!