grapefruit / 4028 posts
@KelLeeLeee: I symptom spot like its my job, lol.
@Adira: That's great!!!!
@FaithFertility: FX for you, girl!
I know I am being crazy, so help talk me down.
This is only my second month using OPKs, and they are seriously messing with my head. Today is CD 15, and my OPK was darker than yesterday, but still pretty light. I am 99% I O usually between CD 14-16. So, shouldn't I have a darker or almost positive OPK today?!
We have been BDing every day, and I need a break! But I am terrified to take a night off in case that would have been the night that worked.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Crystal: How often do you test with OPKs? I'm not a pro (just started using them myself), but I've heard different times of the day work better for different people, so maybe you just missed the surge and are seeing the tail end of it which is why it's not positive?
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@Crystal: Hey lady. I'm not going to be a ton of help, because I literally just took my first OPK today, but....I'm pretty sure that the "surge" happens 24-48 hours before ovulation. So, a positive test should show up a day or two BEFORE you ovulate. OPK users, please correct me if I'm wrong!
And Crystal...fingers crossed for you, lady!!! I hope this month is it!!!!!!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@Crystal: you should be testing at least twice a day in case you have a short surge. They usually recommend the first est be after 1pm with concentrated unine (4 hours) then the next in the eve after 8pm I believe. You can test with FMU but often if you get a dark line first thing in the morning it means you have already been surging overnight. Some people only have a 10 hour window
nectarine / 2465 posts
How do you test 2x per day with concentrated urine? Do you drink very little water, or just wait to use the bathroom longer than you normally would? I feel like I could only have concentrated urine first thing in the morning because I drink a lot of water.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@KelLeeLeee: you have to do two four hour holds and not drink more than a glass or two of water.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MrsMccarthy: I have been testing FMU, and in the afternoon. I drink a ton of water, so its always pretty diluted, which is why I started using FMU.
I did notice it getting darker yesterday afternoon, and darker still this morning, but its still no where near positive. That likely means my body is STILL not regulated, which is so. frustrating.
It wont wreck my chances to take tonight off from BDing, right? Someone talks some sense in to me.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@Crystal: if you haven't surged yet you should be fine but I would try to do EOD until you get a positive or a lighter test that seems to indicate that LH is lowering and you may har missed your surge.
kiwi / 578 posts
@mrsmccarthy thanks for hosting!!!
CYCLE #: 4
HOW HAS YOUR JOURNEY BEEN SO FAR AND WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO TRY THIS MONTH: Last month was a little harder to just RELAX. Trying to keep a peaceful mind this cycle.
BABY #: 1!
IF YOU WERE A BREAKFAST CLUB CHARACTER WHICH ONE WOULD YOU BE?: I've never seen it. I need to add it to my list!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MrsMccarthy: thanks so much for talking me through this, friend. TTC can make you crazy!
pomegranate / 3921 posts
Okay, it March 4th yet? Ugh! That's when AF is due. My first pack of OPKs just came, so I think I missed my surge (am going to test today just to try it out) with testing, but according to CM and some general timing assumptions, my "fertile week" started on Valentine's day. So, even though I don't know for sure where these BD sessions fall in relation to O, here was our schedule: 2/13, 2/15 (twice! oops.), 2/16, 2/18, 2/19, 2/20. Not bad right? My poor DH is working hard. Haha!
In other words, I'm officially counting myself in the TWW. Woo!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@mfa_lady: Wow, that's awesome BDing!!!! You go girl! And good luck!!!!
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@Adira: Thanks, girl! We got a little over-excited? Haha. It's our first normal cycle since I got pregnant last August, so we've been waiting a long time! Let's hope it works!!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@mfa_lady: I hope my husband can get that excited when (if) my cycles get normal again! I really hope all that BDing pays off for you!
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@Adira: I hope he can, too! Although I do believe it's MUCH easier without a LO running around....I can't imagine trying for #2, seems a lot more complicated! I really hope things even out for you soon, so you can give your little guy a baby sibling!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@mfa_lady: Thank you!! I know we still have time, but Hubs and I always wanted our siblings close in age, so I'm hoping that I'll get pregnant soon, but we shall see! And it really isn't that hard to find the time to BD (Xander goes down to bed by 7:30 every night) - it's finding the energy that's hard! hahaha
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Woohoo March ladies! We WILL get BFPs this month!
CYCLE DAY: CD1 baby!
EXPECTED OVULATION AND POAS DATES: Not sure; my last two cycles are between 27 & 31 days. Don't know if I'm regular yet! I guess I will put myself at 3/11 for O, and 3./22 for POAS for now!
CYCLE #: 3
HOW HAS YOUR JOURNEY BEEN SO FAR AND WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO TRY THIS MONTH: I am going to use OPKs starting CD10! I thought temping and checking CM would be enough, plus BD EOD, but we definitely under BD & the temps were confusing!
BABY #: 1
CHART LINK: See my profile!
IF YOU WERE A BREAKFAST CLUB CHARACTER WHICH ONE WOULD YOU BE?: I am a FOB and I don't think I ever watched this movie from start to finish
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@Crystal: I test with FMU for OPKs and never had any issue getting a positive.
nectarine / 2079 posts
@mfa_lady: FX! I'm anxiously waiting for March 4th to - but to ovulate.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@Radish: Good luck, lady! Hopefully all looks good for both of us come March 4th.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
CYCLE DAY: One! Woo Hoo!!! (not)
EXPECTED OVULATION AND POAS DATES: O - Probably March 12th, which means POAS - around March 24th
CYCLE #: 4
HOW HAS YOUR JOURNEY BEEN SO FAR AND WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO TRY THIS MONTH: It's been harder than I anticipated. Even though it took 13 months and surgical intervention to conceive DD, I thought this would be easier. BFing hormones have other plans - I can tell that my cycles are off and that my hormones are wonky. Full weaning happens this month! ?
??? I had an HSG (tubes clear but there is some pooling on the left side) in December and a c/p last month. I hope that weaning will help regulate my hormones and get/keep me KU!
BABY #: 2
IF YOU WERE A BREAKFAST CLUB CHARACTER WHICH ONE WOULD YOU BE?: The test keeps telling me Brian Johnson, which makes me think that's the only answer it gives.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@septca: I'll be keeping an eye on you seeing that we started on the same day! I don't know if my cycles are regular yet so I really need OPKs help to figure out when O is happening this cycle!
clementine / 899 posts
So FF isn't quite sure when I'm going to O because I geared up to last month, didn't, then O'd a few days later. Here's hoping it's BEFORE next weekend as we're going away with friends and I'm pretty sure we're sharing a hotel room, so no DTD... lol.
Also picking up a package which I'm pretty sure is the preseed I ordered! I haven't told DH we're not allowed to use the "fun" lube anymore... hopefully he won't be too cut by the change up, haha.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@HellOnHeels: We tried pre-seed for the first time this cycle - I really liked it!! Although the concept of the applicator sort of freaked my husband out. Haha. Hopefully it did what it needed to do...
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I used preseed for the first time last cycle! I didn't even use the applicator b/c it was scary!
honeydew / 7295 posts
Alright we got some more ladies so here is the March to BFP rollcall Update!!
Future November/December mamabees: TBD!
Mamas to Bee:
March 2:
March 4:
March 7:
March 8: ARIA, EABAE
March 9:
March 10: GIGI2
March 11:
March 12:
March 15 ADIRA
March 17: RADISH
March 18
March 19
March 20
March 21
March 23
March 24 SEPTCA
March 25
March 26
March 27
March 28
March 29
March 30
March 31
Cheerleaders: Lovehoneybee, DCyogabee, MrsPanda, CmBkNYC, Travelgirl1, Bushelandpeck, Torchwood
Wishing you all luck I am still 7 DPO but i may be joining you all soon. At least i know i'll have great company if i do!
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@snowjewelz: Haha!!! I was sort of freaked out at first, but then realized it's essentially like a tampon. Except liquid. Thinking of it like that helped me feel better about it. Ha.
clementine / 899 posts
@theotherstark: @snowjewelz: Haha, I'm still not sure if I'm going to use the applicator or not. Just go with the flow.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@HellOnHeels: I just use it on DH, I don't use the applicators.
@septca: Did you get a confirmed CP, or from what you suspected? I am so sorry, hun. Lots of wine and hugs.
@littlek: How many times a day do you check it?
I am stuck at work from 8am- 10pm, and I forgot to bring my OPKs. I had an almost positive one this morning, so it will probably be fully positive later today, but I wont have a chance to check it. I hope it holds off til tomorrow morning.
We didn't BD last night, but we did the day before and will tonight. That is still ok timing, right?
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
@Crystal: I'm not using OPKs this cycle. But in previous cycles I checked morning and evening.
clementine / 899 posts
@Crystal: Yeah, I have pretty good CM (I think) but I'm pretty dry so always need some type of lube. Just seems, for me anyway, it would be awkward to try and time it perfectly to use the applicators. Spontaneity is important
apricot / 348 posts
We'll, I'm am joining my first POAS thread. How exciting! I have been stalking these threads for months! I want to join in as I'm in the TWW and I'm very excited/ impatient /nervous...
EXPECTED OVULATION AND POAS DATES: ovulated on 19th feb, POAS 6th march. For some reason FF told me to wait till the 10th which seems a little crazy but it's my first cycle using that app so that is probably why?!
CYCLE #: 2
HOW HAS YOUR JOURNEY BEEN SO FAR AND WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO TRY THIS MONTH: like every other woman it seems, I thought it would happen instantly the minute i took out my coil so I was a little disappointed (ok, a LOT disappointed) when AF arrived. My sisters and mum both conceived all 8 of their children (combined that is, not 8 each!) on their first cycle so I was hoping... BUT i am crossing my fingers for this cycle. I got my timings right using OPKs so here's hoping.
BABY #:1
CHART LINK: it's not very interesting. Just got my O and AF date as I'm not charting yet.
Good luck to all you lovely ladies. I know we shouldn't wish our lives away but I can't wait for the TWW to be over!!!
apricot / 348 posts
@snowjewelz: I used preseed too this cycle but with the applicator. Not the sexiest thing to do... Had to tell DH to hold on while I squirted it into the applicator. He was like 'what the hell is that!' Haha it was good though and every little helps.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Mrs.Lilac: I hope you're excited to join! Will be thinking of you as you get closer to test date!
I think I will try to applicator next time. I mean, I rubbed some everywhere, but while it was helpful for things to go smoothly, I guess it wouldn't really help w/ the CM up there so it makes sense to get some in there too...
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@HellOnHeels: yeah, some aspects of ttc can be so unsexy, lol. A friend would use the applicator, then 30 mins later try to "spontaneously" jump on her husband. He never knew, lol.
@snowjewelz: I never though about needing more of it closer to the magic spot! I only thought about it in relation to the non friction factor.
persimmon / 1328 posts
I think I am tentatively joining in. Hubs and I have been ready to try for #2 for a while, but deciding on the best time has been tough!
POAS DATE: March 13 for now
CYCLE #: 1
HOW HAS YOUR JOURNEY BEEN SO FAR AND WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO TRY THIS MONTH: This is our first month trying, only 2nd cycle after AF returned pp. So, I am not sure how regular my cycle is yet and it almost seems like a crap shoot right now. But, we'll see how this goes this time around and then I will reevaluate.
BABY #: 2
CHART LINK: no charting yet
honeydew / 7444 posts
Cycle Day: CD1
Expected Ovulation and POAS Dates: Typically 28 days, so i would say btwn 3/4 and 3/9; POAS would be 3/21.
Cycle #4 (actual trying), but there were also 2 months we had to take a "break".
How has your journey been so far and what do you plan to try this month: A bit crappy. I had to wait an extra month to remove my IUD, then waited 2 cycles to start trying. Had a chemical pregnancy during cycle #2, and took another month off just in case. I know technically i haven't been trying for that many cycles, but any delays where we have a month where we don't ttc frustrates my control-freak personality. This cycle is the whole gamut - OPKs, temping, CM, BD EOD past expected O.
Baby #: 2
If you were a Breakfast Club character which one would you be? Brian Johnson. I am pretty sure no one is Claire unless they're hoping for an immaculate conception!
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