pear / 1697 posts
No more clarity here today. HCG still stark .
LH strips are showing a steadily darkening test line though. After the positive OPK that I had on 3/1, the test line gradually faded down to the faintest little ghost line. Yesterday that line started to plump up. It is still definitely negative/lighter than control, but, I think my body might be gearing up for another go at ovulation.
If so, I'm torn about whether to go for it. When sweetie and I talked it over before, we'd planned to avoid from 3/12 to early may to avoid the likelihood of a xmas baby. Now that it seems like ovulation might potentially be just around the corner...I dunno.
Regardless, it is definitely time for me to start temping and watching CM so I can figure out what my bits are up to.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@lilyofthewest: I was hoping I would o earlier to avoid Xmas baby too but it looks more and more like it! I don't want to stop trying tho; I still rather have a baby!
honeydew / 7295 posts
I personally dont mind if we get a xmas baby although i would prefer to avoid a December 24 or 25 baby. But what are the odds really? Pretty low. Even if that is your EDD most people do not give birth on their EDD. I also would kick myself if i were still trying for months and months without a bfp and I skipped that time frame. I actually have a weird feeling that not this month but next i will get KU. Not sure why. I feel like i will have a super fertile easter egg and if that is the case my EDD will be around December 31 or so. We shall see. That would be quite a magical time plus you get to skip being huge and pregnant in the summer which lets face it is not awesome. The best time is second trimester and that would be during the summer which would be pretty ideal. Baby dust you guys. I am really hoping we have a rash of BFPs on the way.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Won't try to avoid any holiday or birthday either -- last time took 8 months and man I just didn't care by the end of it!!
nectarine / 2079 posts
We are putting a pause on next cycle because of Christmas. I think I could also use an emotional break to and will have a lot of things going on in April as well. I figure if it would have happened then it will likely happen one of the 3 cycles following as well... but I have no known factors working against me.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
My husband's birthday is 12/23--so we're no stranger to the Christmas baby around these parts! We won't stop trying because of the holidays...especially since we don't know what is up with my cycles. Like @MrsMcCarthy said, I hope we are about to blow up this thread with a ton of BFPs!
olive / 65 posts
Hey ladies, this is my first time really taking opks and I'm a little confused. Am I close to O?
pear / 1697 posts
In some ways I think have a xmas baby would be neat. However, I also tend to find all of the events crammed in around xmas to be dizzying and exhausting. I have a few close friends who have birthdays close to xmas who are a little bitter that their birthdays have often been forgotten or been tacked on to some other celebration. That's why we'd originally planned to prevent or at least not try too hard. But now I've gotten all excited about TTC and peeing on things like crazy, and I don't really want to stop.
Sweetie and I talked about it briefly earlier tonight, and decided we're definitely okay with the likely range of due dates that would come from an O within the next week, and we'll reassess after that if need be.
Now I'm waiting for the acetaminophen to kick in to help with the caffeine withdrawal headache that I got from trying to cut back my coffee consumption to more potential-preggers appropriate levels. Ooops. Hopefully will feel better enough to get it on.
nectarine / 2358 posts
@luv2beamom: looks like you're getting there but not quite. Keep testing!
olive / 65 posts
@Mrs.Panda: Thank you for your input just not sure what counts as positive. we've been BDing EOD, but its hard because my DH asked not to be informed when its O time (last month we had stage fright)so I have to try to make it spontaneous. so far its working, he thinks I O'd last week
but as its getting closer im getting excited!!!
nectarine / 2358 posts
@luv2beamom: Yeah the test line needs to be as dark as or darker than the control line. I generally say the day after your darkest positive is a good rule of thumb. So it should be soon!
nectarine / 2079 posts
@luv2beamom: the test line needs to be the same or darker than the control. I think how the surge builds and how long it lasts can vary widely from woman to woman, so just keep testing. Hopefully in the next few days you will see a positive.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@luv2beamom: you are soooo close! I would guess tonight or tomorrow afternoon you will see a surge.
olive / 65 posts
@MrsMccarthy: @Mrs.Panda: @Radish: Thank you all sooo much!! This is such a Great group of people!! I never thought I'd be so happy for my 2ww....I just have a feeling that this is the month!! of course I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high!
Thank you all so much!! I love reading everyone's post's...and you're all in my prayers!
pomelo / 5607 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: For what it's worth, I've had essentially zero nausea with this pregnancy, and I'm 13w4d. Gagged on a few things, but that's it. My boobs didn't get sore till I was farther along either, and they were never just unbearable. I continued to sleep on my stomach and stuff. I definitely felt the way you did, that it just didn't seem real, especially since I didn't get a blood test at all. Hope you're able to relax and enjoy it!
pomegranate / 3921 posts
@winniebee: Any chance you caved and tested this morning? Fingers crossed so hard for you!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@luv2beamom: Looks like you are getting there!
Yeah, @winniebee: Inquiring minds want to pry/pressure you to POAS!!!
Re: Christmas baby. Sigh. If we are successful this month, I would be due smack in between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am not thrilled about that, because that period always seems so busy and stressful. *If* we were to have a baby then, I would make a concentrated effort to cut back on what we do for the holidays so that I wasn't always a basket case for LO's bday. If we are succesful next month, I'd be due right at the start of 2015. That would be just okay. What would be *really* awesome, as long as we are fantasizing, is if I were due in late Jan/early Feb. That was exactly my EDD last time and it was AWESOME - never really big during the summer, get to wear cozy sweaters all winter, you stay really warm in winter, and you get a spring mat leave. We are TTA any month because I just want a healthy baby, but if I had a choice, I would be due in February again.
nectarine / 2079 posts
@MrsMccarthy: Hope you don't mind if I update it again.
Future November/December mamabees: CHICALGOBEE, KATIELEIGH_82, MRS BUNCHY
Mamas to Bee:
March 15
March 17: RADISH
March 18
March 19 BRAWLY
March 20
March 21: FRECKLES
March 27
March 28: LUV2BEAMOM
March 29: LITTLEK
March 30
March 31
Cheerleaders: Lovehoneybee, DCyogabee, MrsPanda, CmBkNYC, Travelgirl1, Bushelandpeck, Torchwood, Bakerbee, Tidybee, Rawasaur, honeygold89, Delight
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: Just wanted to jump on the no symptoms bandwagon... with DD, the only symptoms I had before I started feeling movement were fatigue, headaches, and tender nips. That's it. I never had any of the other symptoms people talk about as "must haves"... all the women in my family are lucky like that, according to my mom.
According to my mother and grandmother, all the women in my family are also super fertile and have conceived all of their children within 3 months of NTNP... I am getting *really* sick of reminding them that they are preaching to the exception to that rule.
honeydew / 7295 posts
@septca: I guess it's kind of a nice semi consolation then if it doesn't happen these next couple of months??? I would LOVE to be due in the spring too but I'm in the same boat as you with time not being on my side.
@mfa_lady: I am anxious too! I really want some more BFPs!!!
nectarine / 2079 posts
@MrsMccarthy: Cool. There isn't much change, but I hate going back a bunch of pages to see who is supposed to pee soon. Plus, gotta see my name inch closer to the top ;-).
@septca: My LO is the first week of Dec and it isn't that bad, but not how I would have planned it. Any closer and I would have issues with feeling like Christmas completely overshadowed her birthday. Luckily, I don't care at all about Thanksgiving.
@winniebee: My fingers are still massively crossed for you.
9dpo here, I may cave tomorrow at 10dpo, but it really just depends on my mood and if I think there is a chance it will be positive or not.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Radish: So nerve wrecking! Hoping for a BFP for you!
Ugh, so we broke BD EOD yesterday cause DH was super tired, and then we both woke up late this morning. He promised to make it up tonight. I just hope yesterday was not O day (I doubt it). Annnd in a rush I forgot to take an OPK with me so I won't be able to do it till I get home tonight!
nectarine / 2079 posts
@snowjewelz: Have your OPKs been getting darker / do you think you might ovulate soon?
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@snowjewelz: That's okay! It happens to the best of us. ((hugs)) My thoughts on ideal timing have changed so much since the first time around... then I wanted to hit every single day O-4 to O+1. Now, if we get in two times within the O-3 to O range, I am *thrilled.*
@Radish: I am so glad to hear that! We have some friends who have daughters exactly 2 years apart, whose birthdays are the second week of December, and their mom is always a hot mess in December. Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday, and we host, so I am afraid that this month would give me a T-Day baby (DD was a week early) and I would miss out on stuffing.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@luv2beamom: Def looks like progress to me! I actually should keep all my OPKs to compare like you!
@Radish: Color has been like the what luv2beamom has for CD14/15. And then I tried FMU yesterday and it was super light. I gotta start saving them and comparing them; I've been throwing them out! I don't feel anything pointing towards O right now
@SEPTCA : Thank you for being so sweet It's funny b/c getting KU is not even on my radar right now; I just want to O so at least know what point in the cycle I'm in! At this point it can be a 40 day cycle, 60 day cycle, who knows!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@snowjewelz: sorry you still don't have a positive. Sound like you guys really needed a break though. I am with Septca. This month our timing was so much more lax than it has been. I was just so tired.
@Radish: fingers and toes crossed for you!!!
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@MrsMccarthy: I needed this Thank you! I've actually been feeling more positive this cycle, but it's always nice to see that it does usually take a while.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@MrsMccarthy: Thank you! I def needed that. I was so positive at the beginning of the cycle, but as it dragged on without O I start losing hope & confidence!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@theotherstark: Totally. And keep in mind that the idea that it takes most couples 6+ months is based on actually TTC for 6+ months... knowing when you O and having good timing. Most people don't start really "trying" until they've been at it for a few months, so - in that scenario - the average would be more like 9 months.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@Torchwood: thanks so much for weighing in! Of course I don't WANT to be throwing up, but just find it weird. I'm hoping if we're lucky enough to hear a heartbeat in a few weeks that it might calm me a bit to know I'm progressing?
@septca: awesome to hear, thanks! I tend to be a sensitive-stomach/picky-eater gal, and naturally assumed that would happen in pregnancy. It'd be awesome not to have that, but we'll see!!!
As for the Xmas baby parents both have birthdays in December, one of which is right near Xmas. It hasn't been their favorite, but what can you do? Hoping for BFPs and non-Dec 25 EDDs for all of you!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Aaand. I'm out. Af showed up right on time this morning. But really not bad for first cycle off the pill. Ovulation day 18 and period 13 days later. Onto the next month....
Good luck to everyone in the tww!!
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
I think there is so much luck involved in TTC. Even if you time EVERYTHING perfectly it's still only a 20% shot you will get pregnant. My OB compared it to going to Vegas.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@Radish: Can you add me to the list? I'll be 13DPO on the 24th. But let's be honest I'll be peeing on things before then too.
I'm on cycle #3 for #2. With a MC five months ago. Trying to be low-key about it this go around. haha.
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@winniebee: Ooooh, BOO I was soooo hoping this was your month!! Ugh, I'm sorry. BUT, I am happy that you seemed to regulate pretty quickly after the pill! Hoping that next month is the month for you
pineapple / 12793 posts
@winniebee: bummer! Go have a hurricane! AF in Nola means a lot more cocktails at least.
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